Wtf was that rain last night?

Blue skies all day, typhoon wind and rain with lighting flashes all night, then I wake up to blue skies again. The only proof of last nights weather is my soaked boots and Slippahs and the reset flash on the microwave from the brief power loss.

Is big brother testing the weather controlling golf ball again? Phone Post 3.0

I saw on IG some people had flooding at their places. Some people with extended power loss. Anybody else? Phone Post 3.0

My friend posted this last night

Phone Post 3.0

this is all from a broken up tropical storm. It will be messy today too...

jnak, see you at the gym in a hour for kickboxing?

Hey my friend lives in that building the lightning bolt is grazing. It's his medical office building. He does some kind of research or some crap.


Dr. Frank E. Stein.

Woke up to blue skies and thought I just had a bad Ambien trip Phone Post 3.0

JIMMYNAKS - Woke up to blue skies and thought I just had a bad Ambien trip Phone Post 3.0
If you were my woman, I would hold you till the terror passed. Phone Post 3.0

Don't you threaten me with a good time, Mister!! Phone Post 3.0

I'm serious... I would do that !

Hi Jimmy Phone Post 3.0
