WWE tried to screw UFC

you can trust bret the hitman hart because he is the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be

"Imagine the fight show Vince could put on. Zuffa would be in a world of hurt."

What kind of show would Vince put on, exactly?

His business aptitude for anything not involving pro wrestling could be classified as retarded.

I love how people think that just because wrestling creates "stars" that McMahon can do that for anything, including MMA. Here's a newsflash - most fighters are monosyllabic, and most pro wrestlers spend the majority of their airtime yakking on a microphone. Two different types.

Nobody is making a "star" out of some mumbling Brazilian, sorry. Royce did it back in the day, but only because he stuck out like a sore thumb.



Here's the score on buying and selling.

The Fertittas, Lorenzo & Frank, who own UFC, are worth about double ($1.5 billion) of the McMahons, Vince, Shane, Linda, Stephanie ($700 million).

Yes, Vince can buy and sell Dana White. And Lorenzo Fertitta & Frank Feritta can buy and sell Vince's whole family.

If Vince had really wanted to screw the UFC he would have gone for Joe Rogan as he imo is the best commentator in the business. UfC would miss him far more than Goldie.

I don't see how stealing their announcer would have amounted to a body blow... now, if they had signed Tito on the other hand... lol

Yep, BIG props to Goldberg - and I've been harsh too him. Damnit.

I wish I knew what issue it was but a friend once pointed out an rather lengthy article on Vince McMahon and some of his cronies at the WWF(E now) and it was unreal. Some sleazy characters for sure, with a LOT of money and some power as well. Certainly didn't sound like a fun organization to work for, some crazy shit about McMahon, Superfly Snuka, Pat Patterson and some others. Mentioned that Vince had such an ego and attitude the wrestlers gave him the nickname 'Ceasar'. A few recent documentaries show some of his underhanded ways- the guy is a scumbag, no doubt about it, and if Dana and the Ferritas are going to go up against him,they'd better be ready to get dirty, and they'd better keep their guards up and watch their backs.

I don't think fucking over Zuffa, when the ferzitta(sp?) brothers have had newspaper articles connecting them to the mob, would have been such a good idea.

I don't know how much this hurts the UFC. Goldie was good, but I don't know how connected to pay per view buys he is. So long as the person doing the play by play is good that's all that matters.

The guy they got did a decent enough job considering the lack of time, and who knows how much he knew about mma? Has he done other MMA shows? I noticed Joe took a lot of control of the play by play, actually he was a lil overbearing at times.

Holy shit! I'm a Goldberg fan for life now!

"When the WWE bought WCW no one new about it till WCW went live and Shane O' MAC was on air hosting the show. Sounds like Vince has a history of trying to make examples of others he views as a threat. "

Most people knew about it because rumors had been flying like crazy the weeks leading up to it and it was announced all over the respective websites. however, it was still a suprise that shane showed up as many expected vince to.

I think that everyone on this thread referring to the wealth of various parties by referencing the overall market capitalization of their companies need to recognize that their is another variable: what percentage of the company they own.

I'm surprised that there's as much cross-over as there is: UFC=real.
WWE=Fake. It's fun to go to a wrestling event, get drunk and yell a lot,
because you know it isn't real, but it's hard for me to really imagine being
a fan.


Dana is no different than Vince, people. He would and HAS fucked over MANY in his time. Some of them are WELL-KNOWN.

I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for someone who has more money to pick on his ass. He does it regulary.

lol @ no one knew about the wcw buy out......

I totally agree with this post and mentioned this awhile back. MCMAHON defenitely had plans to affect the current momentum of THE UFC, and was tryiing to make a preemptive strike a gainst a competitor they now feel threatened by. ZUFFA surely saw what isaw at the last event, the absence of GOLDBERG affected the overall energy and entertainment aspect of the broadcast greatly, though ROGAN performed admirably to try and carry the broadcast without him. THIS LAST SHOW LACKED THE PACING, ENERGY, PROFESSIONLISM AND ENTHUSIASM GOLDBERG BRINGS. This was a very strategic shot at UFC that VINCE attempted. It would have had an affect if he succeded/ GOLDBERG has been the voice of UFC FOR A LONG TIME, you dont know what youve got till its gone, and we had a little window view of what it would be like without GOLDBERG and it wasnt pretty. No disrespect meant to HUMMER, he made a valiant effort but was no replacement for THE GOLDEN ONE.

There should be a wreslemania or royalrumble or whatever you call it with pro wrestlers vs. ufc fighters. Get them all in the ring and have them go at it for real. Or have a bunch of ufc fighters come in, do a suprise appearance, and beat the crap out of vince's wrestlers.

Memphis Maniax by Smother 3:39 Rd. 1

It will be hilarious if the UFC loses.

Bringing back tournaments would add a lot more excitement to and around the UFC. Even if the WWE put on a big event, the chance to watch a tournament would pull many people sitting on the fence over to the UFC. Pride has got it right. I'd have the first two rounds of an 8 man tournament on one show,with a few solid fights included/ maybe a superfight, the next event- the finals of the tournament and the first two rounds in the next tournament- different weight class,with a few more fights to beef up the card a bit. It could establish a lighter weight class which would be 4 in all, more than enough weight divisions and fighters to keep things lively. Tournaments will always be more exciting than even a superfight. I don't get too excited about single matchups usually, but tournaments will always get my interest immediately and I'd be much more inclined to shell out 35.00 for a tournament than most any card of single fights.