ttt for Rory Markham, his fight with Nick Thompson should be a great one. ttt for MFS
ttt for Rory Markham, his fight with Nick Thompson should be a great one. ttt for MFS
Markham and Thompson will be a total war. I look at Thompson to win this one.
Fearless Goat: How do you see the fight between Bart and I going. I'm sure your going to go with Bart but how do you this fight going down....Joe Jordan
Jake Short vs Kendrick Johnson: My money would be on Jake.
Bart is an awsome fighter. Gotta go with him.
I think this is a great match up. Two awesome fighters
Joe- How are you buddie? I know you are a very tough fighter bro, but I have seen Bartimus fight before and I have trained with him. It has been awhile since I trained directly with him, but he was unbelievable then and it was a year ago. He has only gotten better since then. Bartimus and Curran work harder than anyone I know actively in the game right now. Bart lives for this stuff. I see the fight ending by submission my friend. I would have said by knockout until I read that you have only been KOed once in 25 fights. So I see Bart submitting you on the ground. I know this will be one hell of a fight and I cant wait to see it live. No hard feelings man. If I am wrong and you do come out as the winner I will be the first one to shake your hand on March 19th. Peace and Good Luck!
All I can say is that Joe is a great fighter, and I wish him best of luck, and I know this fight might be the hardest fight for me yet.
We're both up and coming fighters and this fight is just another steping stone for both of us. This fight means a lot to me cause of the quality of the fighter that is steping in the ring with me, and because I've been busting my butt. So I hope I'll go home with the belt.
Myself I see the fight eather go the whole 3 rounds, and it's going to come down to who has a bigger gas tank, or it's going to end first round by a KO or a submission.
Bartimus- I am coming down to train March 23-26 so make sure you are ready to kick my ass bro.
so bart, let me make sure i got this straight. the fight is either going to end by submission, knock out or go to a decision. Brilliant!
LOL kid....Bartimus thought the process through carefully.
"Talk about a fast recovery"
Thats simple, I was ducking you. You get the reputation of ducking peopel when you fight guys like:
Jens Pulver:
Rich Clementi:
Melvin Guillard:
Josh Neer:
Roger Huera:
Jorge Gurhel:
Nick Agallar:
Just in case you didn't catch on, that was my attempt at humor.
I'm sure your much tougher then all the guys above and I'm sorry I had to duck you.( I'm being funny again).....Joe Jordan
just quit ducking people would ya
I would gladly fight Kendrick.. i could use a warm up fight at 155
Man of Steel
I don't want to alarm you but I think the nickname "man of steel" is copyrighted. Perhaps you could be the "man of really hard aluminum". Or you don't even have to go in the direction of hard substances. Why not be "the man of phosphorus"? Phosphorus is one of the elements and prroduces an eerie glow.
I would put money on Jake if you 2 were to fight. I don't know Jake and we have only spoke a few words to one another. This would be a bad match-up for Kendrick. Good luck to both of you.....Joe Jordan
"it's going to end in the first round by a KO or a submission or go all 3 rounds"
*I agree with Bart.
I would like to think a few people before this fight happens.
*A big thanks to Spencer Fisher for calling me up and making sure I get my run in.
*Danny Ives, thank you for helping me with my sub. and oppening my eyes to the guillotine!
*Matt Penez, you have made the biggest difference in my hands.
*Jens Pulver: Standing in front of this guy, day in and day out toughens up your body.
ttt for MFS!!!!