You guys are great!

Same here, in fact I will have a couple tonight. Tanner will always be inspirational to me, but man it would be so awesome if you came back for one more run at it. Believe.

so evan you gonna fight anytime soon, If so make a new post and fill us in

Striking resemblance to the UniBomber IMO.

LMAO..more cow bell!

What can you guys do with this?



rofl :)

Too funny, I love this place.

That kid needs to watch more Truth commercials


Evan... I hope all is going well with you... hope we meet up again... you need to get back in and whoop A. Silva's ass... stylistically it is a great match for you... IMHO...

stylistically --- not just pics but also... creating new words...

stylistically is a word, bud.

Keep the pics coming...


Man, Evan needs to get back to training or he will be fighting in the HW division!

Someone please post image.


Please someone post my pic ^^^^^^

Thanks in advance!

LOL@More cowbell!