I will start it off
blue namer help me out here please.
OGChubbyChaser - <img src="http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/52419_o.gif" alt="" />
^ This except, those tears would be of joy.
A big grin, with my hand out, collecting all the money from my friends. Much like the Lesnar-Cain fight.
I will cry in front of my friends
Machida has a better shot at beating Jones then most. The only style I see giving Jones problems is someone fast, with great counter striking, evasive, great TDD and knockout power... wow I just described Machida. Will he beat him, probally not, but I would be least surprised at Machida beating Jones, compared to anyone else in the division.
I know I will definetly scream out, "welcome to the Machida era!"