Your Home Gym??

What equipment would you recommend for setting up a (very) basic home gym? I don't have too much room, but I am looking to get an incline/flat bench, a few dumbbells, an ez-curl bar and some plates for it.

This is basically for the days I can't make it to the gym. I have a treadmill and a heavy bag, but I would like to throw in some weights into my set-up.

Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.

Get a decent squat rack and a bench. Look on craigslist or the pennysaver or something like that.

I paid 150 for a bench, squat rack, 20 dumbells, and 1000lbs of plate weight. Now, this was a great deal, and you may not find it to be this sweet, but, paying 50 cents a pound for weight sucks when people are basicaly giving it away in your paper.

Powerblocks for dumbbells, dude. Huge space saver!


I developed my home gym off of this and it is turning out fantastically. Use it as an outline, and go from there!


I paid 150 for a bench, squat rack, 20 dumbells, and 1000lbs of plate weight.

Holy crap, dude - what state are you in? And was that a person or gym that was selling that?

Dude who sold him that must've been desperate for fast cash.