Yves Edwards vs. Isaac Vallie-Flagg

tough call, could've gone either way imo.
2nd round was Yves.
3rd was Isaac.
1st was a toss-up.

Isaac's style is not pretty to watch vs Yves but he definitely landed more strikes.

Not BS. Isaac won rounds 1 & 3. I love Yves, but he's not consistent. One of the best gate keepers ever.

29-28 Vallie Flag.

TopGrinder - Meh I had the black guy 2 rounds to one. But whatevs Phone Post

Hahah Phone Post

Great fight! As a long time Yves supporter, I also think Isaac won the fight. Yves is the fucking man though.

Dude just ran forward throwing shit and got countered for 2 rounds till Yves got tired

BS decision io

Great win for Isaac. 505!!! Phone Post

Flagg won 1 and 3

Flagg deserved the win...

I had Yves winning 29-28. Phone Post

Yves had that

Facial damage doesn't indicate dominance it just means you got punched in a 15 minute fist fight

Yves boxed him up and rolled with most of the shots that did land for the first 2 rounds. I thought Yves landed way cleaner shots but the other dude just kept throwing shit just to throw, IMO I score counters more then wild shots that don't land clean


Statistics don't mean shit

Its a machine that counts a BS punch that barely lands, to be worth he same as a counter right that snaps someones head back

uh, how about actually watching the fight?

sometimes, people cut and bruise easily
and sometimes, statistics are useless because one guy throws nonstop and never lands cleanly, and the other guy is effectively countering his attacks even though he never really drops his opponent

isaac brought good pressure, but he was getting countered and was not landing cleanly for the first 2 rounds
getting countered is not effective aggression, and therefore not viable for scoring

it was a close fight, so my reaction really was over the top and for that i apologize
but using easy stuff like charts and facial damage, is a copout and it doesn't take context into account

Close fight. I had it a 29-29 draw with the first round being a 10-10. If I was forced to choose a winner of that round it would be Yves because of more effective strikes. No way could I complain about that decision though. Valle-Flagg pressured Yves the entire fight and slowly took over in the third. It's a style thats very judge friendly and I figured he would get the nod. Even though I picked Yves by KO, I knew Valle-Flagg would be a tough one. I just figured he would be able to land something big but the moment never came.