Yves Edwards wants KJ's belt

 Earlier this week, Yves Edwards shared his thoughts on the eagerly-awaited, pick ‘em matchup between himself and EliteXC lightweight champion KJ Noons. EliteXC Return of the King featuring the explosive lightweight title bout takes place this Saturday on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. ET/PT (delayed on the west coast).

The internet portion of the card, headlined by Kala Kolohe will be streaming live and free here at ProElite.com immediately following the Showtime broadcast.

Q. Yves, what does fighting for the EliteXC lightweight title mean to you?

Edwards: It means a lot. EliteXC came to me and offered me a deal. I was excited about it. You know, after two fights in their organization, three fights since the deal happened, they've offered me a title shot. I'm excited about it, man. I appreciate the shot. I'm going to do everything I can to make the most of it.

Q. What kind of pressure do you feel from this opportunity?

Edwards: For the first time, I don't really feel any pressure. I've got the backing of a good team. I'm not doing this on my own. I'm not trying to make the deals by myself and basically being my own manager.

I've got Mr. Don Lambert taking care of things for me. I've got teammates helping me get prepared and guys that believe in me.

I'm just excited right now. All I have to do is go out there and fight. I don't have to think about anything else but KJ. I just get to lay back, relax, and do what I love to do more than anything in the world.

Q. KJ says he thinks the extra five pounds fighting at 160 rather than 155 is a pretty dramatic thing for him. Is it a dramatic thing for you or not a big deal?


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Go Yves!


Yes, yes he does.

And he may very well take it if KJ decides to keep it standing.

And if KJ decides to take it to the ground, he'll have problems there too.

If Yves comes in his top form, that belt is his. The only thing he really has to worry about is KJ's countering. That's really the only place I see Yves being in any danger... after he throws a combination. Other than that, I think this fight is his for the taking.


 And he'll get it!

ttt for a Yves victory