JamesDean57 - 
Muay Tired - 
Steve72 - ZMA makes me wake up at 3:30 in the morning, wide awake, and unable to return to sleep.

Not sure why.

This! I just started taking ZMA and will probably stop thanks to this side-effect.

I'll probably try a different supplement with 5-HTP, melatonin and sam-e.

Melatonin used to do me the same way, then I found out that you only need to take 1 mg.

Most sleep aids with melatonin have from 3 to 6 mg. or more in them, I found one {Name Mid Nite} that only has 1 1/2 mg. so I break it in half.

Now I have no trouble going to and staying asleep, and I don't have all the crazy ass dreams that I was having when I was taking 6 mg. melatonin every night.

Hope all that makes since.

i believe that in most of the studies, they actually used 300mcg doses.... i have no idea why they sell such an overdosed product.

JamesDean57 - 
WillyMaunawili - 

Wait it's used as a sleep aid?

I always thought it was used to promote test production Phone Post

I have read that, don't know how true it is.

well, magnesium helps you relax/sleep, and b-6 is used as a co-factor in stuff like serotonin, which would also make it easier to relax. many people sleep better on ZMA, but some people get crazy dreams and wake up early... the advice i've seen for them, is to back off on the dose, and see if it helps.

as far as helping testosterone production, zinc is an important co-factor there.

ZMA got popular when SNAC did a study that most athletes were deficient in these nutrients, and they had a rise in hormones after supplementing them. of course, SNAC is also the company that Victor Conte started, and he's the BALCO steroid guru as well.....

personally, i sleep better when taking ZMA, experience more "morning wood," and it's pretty cheap, too...

^ I forgot to mention the morning wood. It's absolutely fierce.