10 academy rules...? As posted in gyms in Brasil.

Most of the academies I visited had these such as 'greet everyone on the mat' and 'don't complain, it only gets worse'.

Some differed slightly I think but what are the rest?


Wear shirt or rashguard under gi

No swearing.

Parents...No coaching.

Bow on..bow off.

Silence when instructor is teaching. Unless of course you are asking him a question about the instruction. Phone Post

Those are kind of universal GB rules...I didn't see the Brasil part. My bad holmes Phone Post


Glad our rules are much more informal. Everybody rolls with everybody, belt color doesn't matter. Everybody mops even our instructor. You don't have to bow on or off the mat or to our instructor unless you that's your thing. Just keep your uniform clean, be respectful, and have fun. Feels more like a family rather than a team. Phone Post

Thanks guys, but I'm not talking about YOUR gym general rules. Alliance and many others have 10 rules listed on the academy wall. Someone must know what these are exactly.

BenBJJ - Thanks guys, but I'm not talking about YOUR gym general rules. Alliance and many others have 10 rules listed on the academy wall. Someone must know what these are exactly.

1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ???
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. profit

forumnewb - 
BenBJJ - Thanks guys, but I'm not talking about YOUR gym general rules. Alliance and many others have 10 rules listed on the academy wall. Someone must know what these are exactly.

1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ???
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. profit

No, that's not them. I saw a different list.

"Don't wear your gi on the sidelines (where the mommies are watching). If you want to watch from the sidelines, gi top should be off. "

this doesnt make sense. You should have your gi on, especially if no shirt underneath. I dont think it is proper to be around all the parents topless

You should have already changed in the change room before coming onto the sidelines. I didn't word it very clearly.

"Don't wear your gi on the sidelines (where the mommies are watching). If you want to watch from the sidelines, gi top should be off."

"You should have already changed in the change room before coming onto the sidelines. I didn't word it very clearly."

Why? what impact does this have on anything?

Gi tops should ALWAYS be worn if you're on the mats. Don't take it off if you're hot, get off the mats if you're too hot to wear your gi. The only time it should come off if there is injury or emergency.

agreed. if you're too hot, just take off your pants like a normal person.

andrewn - "Don't wear your gi on the sidelines (where the mommies are watching). If you want to watch from the sidelines, gi top should be off."

"You should have already changed in the change room before coming onto the sidelines. I didn't word it very clearly."

Why? what impact does this have on anything?

This is the only rule that I've never heard of. It makes no sense.

eviladam -
Gi tops should ALWAYS be worn if you're on the mats. Don't take it off if you're hot, get off the mats if you're too hot to wear your gi. The only time it should come off if there is injury or emergency.

agreed. if you're too hot, just take off your pants like a normal person.

Lol nice Phone Post

I Googled this in Portuguese and found a bunch of different lists. One list of 42 rules seemed to come up a lot and seems like a good list. Unfortunately, I don't have time to translate that one right now.

Here is "The White Belt's Manual" I saw posted on Facebook a few weeks ago:

1. Bow when entering and leaving the mat.
2. Greet your instructor before training and thank him after training.
3. Greet your classmates in order of rank.
4. Don't use foul language on the mat.
5. Don't say you that are tired.
6. Don't ask more advanced ranks to train. Wait to be asked.
7. Don't question your instructor.
8. Turn off your cell phone.
9. Wash your gi.
10. Be humble.
11. Never brag about submitting someone in class
12. Don't make up excuses to avoid rolling.

In Phone Post

what the hell is it with all these rules?

there are 3 rules to jiu jitsu
1. Be clean
2. dont be a douche before, during and after rolling
3. dont look me in the eyes

What seems to be the Gracie Barra standard:

1. Bow to the center of the mat when you enter.
2. Bow to the center of the mat when you exit.
3. Keep a respectful posture in the dojo.
4. Classes begin with a formal bow to the instructor with students lining up in descending grade order.
5. Classes end with a formal bow to the picture of Grand Master Carlos Gracie Senior and then to the instructor.
6. During class, when the instructor is demonstrating the techniques, every student must sit in seize.
7. For safety reasons, if you are late for class sit by the side of the mat and wait for the permission from the Professor.
8. For safety reasons, if you need to leave the mat or leave earlier you must ask permission from the Professor.
9. Bow to your partner before and after practice.
10. Talking should be kept to a minimum level and should relate to the class subject.
11. Absolutely no foul language inside the school.
12. Keep fingernails and toenails short for everyone’s safety.
13. All students must wear the official Gracie Barra uniform. The uniform pants and top must be the same color.
14. It is mandatory to wear the official Gracie Barra black rash guard or training shirt underneath the kimono.
15. The uniform must be clean at all times. A dirty uniform is a sign of disrespect.
16. The uniform must be worn at all times.
17. When tying the uniform, face the wall.
18. The belt represents your progress. Keep it on.
19. Refer to black-belt instructors as “Professor” and to Carlos Gracie Jr. as “Master.”
20. All metal objects, jewelry, piercing, necklaces and other items should be removed.
21. No shoes, food or drink on the mat.
22. No cell phones in the dojo area.

after doing bjj for a long time, many of these rules seem silly. but trying to think of it from a "new guy" perspective makes me see that the rules might make thing easier since you know what is expected if you (less uncertainty)