10 Questions With Shane Carwin (11/18/2008)

10 Questions With Shane Carwin (by Darrick Patrick)

Shane "The Monster" Carwin is a professional mixed martial artist who has competed in organizations such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship, World Extreme Cagefighting, Ring Of Fire, Art Of War, Ultimate Texas Showdown, and Extreme Wars.

Darrick: What was the path that led you to professional mixed martial arts competition?

Shane: The path that lead me to MMA was just to have the ability to continue being competitive. Sports are something I have enjoyed my whole life - from high level college sports to NFL camp. This was the perfect way for me to continue my love for competition.

Darrick: Who is someone in the sport that you highly respect?

Shane: I respect Randy Couture for his humble, respectful attitude and he is simply an excellent fighter.

Darrick: Any words of advice for other individuals looking to train in MMA?

Shane: The bottom line is to make sure you are having fun. You need to enjoy the sport first and foremost.

Darrick: What brings you the most fulfillment out of martial arts?

Shane: I attain the most fulfillment from the competition, but I also value and enjoy the sense of family it provides. I feel fortunate to have my own family and an extended family through MMA.

Darrick: Who are some of the people that greatly influenced you while growing up?

Shane: My mom, my grandma, my brothers, and my college wrestling coach Greg Waggoner.

Darrick: What does a "normal" training session for you consist of?

Shane: A typical day consists of morning strength and conditioning, then in the afternoon it's boxing, BJJ, and wrestling.

Darrick: Outside of MMA, what are your other interests?

Shane: Enjoying time with my wife, hunting, fishing, and spending time with my friends.

Darrick: If you had 24 hours left to live, how would you spend that time?

Shane: With my wife on the beach.

Darrick: What is your oldest memory?

Shane: Crying when my mom dropped me off at my first day of preschool.

Darrick: Tell us something about you that most people don't know.

Shane: When I'm at home, I like to dance for my wife. (Laughs)



You can also check out Shane Carwin in the following places:

Official Shane Carwin MySpace Profile:


Shane Carwin on Fight Finder:


Shane Carwin Photo Gallery at Sherdog.com:


"Seven generic questions and three novelty ones with Shane Carwin"


Was this conducted via email? I can't imagine wasting someone's time face-to-face with inane questions like those.

Heheheh, glad you all liked it.

Where's "if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

what profession would you least like to attempt?

"Do you have any advice for someone that wants to start writing about MMA?"

It's like when Chris Farley had that interview show on SNL.

"Did you like that?"

Mike SandersĀ -Ā "Seven generic questions and three novelty ones with Shane Carwin"

lololololololololz A++++++++++++++++

voorhees - It's like when Chris Farley had that interview show on SNL.

"Did you like that?"

Darrick: Remember...remember that time at the UFC when you fought Christian Wellisch and you, like, you hit him and KOed him in less than a minute?

Shane: Yeah.

Darrick: ...that was awesome!

Mike SandersĀ -Ā "Seven generic questions and three novelty ones with Shane Carwin"

Well, that's about right. I usually always have seven questions strictly pertaining to MMA and three kind of personal ones towards the end. They are "introductory interviews" mainly there for people not familiar with the individuals that I interview. Short, quick interviews that introduce a person to new readers.

UG is harsh sometimes but in this case their right. What happened to questions like why aren't you on any Main Cards?
When are you going to get a top 20 opponent and who would you want to fight next? A potential fight with Brock is inevitable how do you see that fight going?

What's your thoughts on Cain V. how do you think you match up to him?

What did you think of Brock's performance vs Randy? What impressed you about his skills presently? What weaknesses and strengths did you see in Brock? How do you think your strengths match up vs Brocks? Where would you say your better or more advanced in the different skills of MMA than Brock?
And on and on..

Kansas CometĀ -Ā UG is harsh sometimes but in this case their right. What happened to questions like why aren't you on any Main Cards?
When are you going to get a top 20 opponent and who would you want to fight next? A potential fight with Brock is inevitable how do you see that fight going?

What's your thoughts on Cain V. how do you think you match up to him?

What did you think of Brock's performance vs Randy? What impressed you about his skills presently? What weaknesses and strengths did you see in Brock? How do you think your strengths match up vs Brocks? Where would you say your better or more advanced in the different skills of MMA than Brock?
And on and on..

Gotcha'. I plan on doing a different format of interviews soon alongside the "10 Questions With..." and they would contain questions angled more in that direction. The 10 Question Interviews though will tend to have more of a "quick breakdown" of who someone is for people who may have never heard of the person being interviewed.

Obviously, everyone here on mixedmartialarts.com is familiar with Shane and it doesn't quite work out as "introducing" Carwin like it does on some other sites I frequent where the MMA community is much smaller.

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Cool man; look forward to your future interviews in that case..