17-2 Joseph Duffy meets 11-1 James Vick UFC 217


<img alt="" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKjiPw9V4AAhGH4.jpg"  1200px; height: 675px;" /></p>

2 time golden gloves boxing champ Vick is 7-1 in the UFC @ 155 lbs.</p>

Duffy is 4-1 in the UFC and finished a 4-1 McGregor in 2010. After losing to Duffy, Conor was able to rattle of 15 straight victories until his loss against Diaz, McGregor has won 17 of his last 18 fights in MMA.</p>




<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GwsmuYsyQWA" width="640"></iframe></p>

6’3 @ 155 lbs

That's a big fight, will be an entertaining stand up war. But Vick gets hit alot in his fights and you don't want to get hit by Duffy. I've got Duffy by TKO

Duffy by KO no problem. 

Hopefully Duffy KO’s the Llimp proteged.

go vick

inf0&nbsp;-&nbsp;<span class="User-162126" id="userPost60926058">go vick</span></blockquote>

^^ fishing with Vick and his old man 


ah. joe re-signed. damn he was fucking them around and i assumed it was going pear-shaped

Great fight.

Joseph's Duffy #24 vs James Vick # 32 

Crazy Division

JoseyWales - 

Joseph's Duffy #24 vs James Vick # 32 

Crazy Division

Goddamn, that is wild. I think Duffy is really good.



<img alt="" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKjiPw9V4AAhGH4.jpg"  1200px; height: 675px;" /></p>

2 time golden gloves boxing champ Vick is 7-1 in the UFC @ 155 lbs.</p>

Duffy is 4-1 in the UFC and finished a 4-1 McGregor in 2010. After losing to Duffy, Conor was able to rattle of 15 straight victories until his loss against Diaz, McGregor has won 17 of his last 18 fights in MMA.</p>




<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GwsmuYsyQWA" width="640"></iframe></p>

6’3 @ 155 lbs

Is it me or Vick looks surprised in the fight photo that he got the fight vs Duffy.  Like the UFC camera guy is telling Vick.....ok vick get ready for the photo 3.2.1 oh yea your fighting Duffy...camera shutters

regardless this will be a hell of a fight cannot wait