1st day of BJJ

 Been lurking here for ages, but after my first day of bjj i figured i would post.

All i can say is that I feel like the most uncoordinated, out of shape piece of shit ever.

Cant wait till the next class.  hopefully it can only get better from here!

Congrats(on your lifestyle choice...aka new addiction) and welcome!

Also, watch this (often) and let it sink in. If you do, your jiu-jitsu will be better for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7eNOHqKQM4

Cool video.

Yeah- I think I am going to be hopelessly addicted. I just need to get to a point where I feel more comfortable and coordinated. It's been a long time since I have done anything other than sit at a desk during the day and hold up a bar stool at night. Phone Post

Thanks for the video, I'm just starting too. Have fifth class tomorrow. Phone Post

YakFisher - I think I am going to be hopelessly addicted. I just need to get to a point where I feel more comfortable and coordinated. It's been a long time since I have done anything other than sit at a desk during the day and hold up a bar stool at night.

Just relax and take it all in. Easier said than done, I know. But along with Pedro's words of wisdom, you just have to understand and accept the cliche that the beauty of jiu-jitsu lies in the journey and not the destination, so there's no rush and regardless of how many monsters are on the mats with you at any given time, you're NEVER in competition with anyone but yourself, which in turn is the attitude/mindset that enables jiu-jitsu to help change lives re: the inspiring stories of people having gotten away from destructive lifestyles, lost ridiculous amounts of weight, and overcome mental/physical challenges, etc.
Sugarfoot - Thanks for the video, I'm just starting too. Have fifth class tomorrow.

No problem. Congrats/welcome x2!

Congratulations. Be patient and have fun. This is an amazing art - the way it changes your entire life.

That's a cool ass video! Phone Post

And don't forget the advil! Phone Post

Great Roy video Phone Post

good vid...sub'd

subd for later Phone Post

YakFisher -  Been lurking here for ages, but after my first day of bjj i figured i would post.

All i can say is that I feel like the most uncoordinated, out of shape piece of shit ever.

Cant wait till the next class.  hopefully it can only get better from here!

 I have trained with many people that were the most uncoordinated, out of shape people that I thought would never get it and now are studs keep at it

BradGluckman - 
YakFisher -  Been lurking here for ages, but after my first day of bjj i figured i would post.

All i can say is that I feel like the most uncoordinated, out of shape piece of shit ever.

Cant wait till the next class.  hopefully it can only get better from here!

 I have trained with many people that were the most uncoordinated, out of shape people that I thought would never get it and now are studs keep at it

Very true.

The oddest people (meaning people you never would expect) can excel at BJJ.

BradGluckman - 
YakFisher -  Been lurking here for ages, but after my first day of bjj i figured i would post.

All i can say is that I feel like the most uncoordinated, out of shape piece of shit ever.

Cant wait till the next class.  hopefully it can only get better from here!

 I have trained with many people that were the most uncoordinated, out of shape people that I thought would never get it and now are studs keep at it

That is very reassuring to hear.

I've been training for about 4 months now and i still feel like my next class is no better than my first class. each day i show up i feel like i forgot 99% of what i learned the day before. hopefully it will click sooner than later.

Eventually it will click. I'm not sure when, as it hasn't yet for me. I just keep loving it and genuinely believe that one day it will.


ChangoBravo - Eventually it will click. I'm not sure when, as it hasn't yet for me. I just keep loving it and genuinely believe that one day it will.


im still waiting on the big "click". i think it is going to consist of more small "clicks". It happens in small intervals that arent really noticable at the time however if you look back just a few months there are things you now realise that seemed like you could never comprehind. The more i go the more i realize i SUCK.

I will take my 17th class tonight. I worked out with a buddy of mine that was training out of his garage for a little while. Picked up the BJJ and ran with it. I love it. I have great instructors and I am greatful for the knowledge I am soaking up from them.

Good thread.


My instructor was SURE that I would quit within a couple weeks. :)

Well, I've had a couple of days now. Still like a fish out of water doing the drills, but I'm definitely hooked already.

I think it is gonna take some time for my coordination, balance, and general fitness to come together, but in time I'm hopeful it will.

I definitely have the bug. I am spending tons of time reading everything I can get my hands on about white belt tips, watching tons of vids and stuff just trying to get a better understanding of the basics.

I can see why people say that as a beginner the most important step is walking through the door each week. As long as I can keep that up, I'm hopeful in time it will fall into place.

I just feel kinda bad in class feeling like my noobness is taking away from what my drilling partners are getting from the class. While everyone seems super patient and cool so far, im very self conscious about becoming the guy nobody will want to drill with cause I'm so slow at pickin it up... Phone Post


never let someone put two hands in your collar.  If there is one in, top priority is controling/limiting the other arm

Be patient on the bottom and wait or an escape

always move with elbows and knees together.