2 BJJ black belts, looking to teach in USA

Two Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belts, with winning records in pro MMA(17-3 and 26-6.) Both have work Visa. They are both from a major camp in Brazil, that has several UFC fighters.

Looking for either a MMA gym or Commercial gym(Golds/24hour fitness) that they could do a sublease deal.

Please email if you know a place talonchallenge@hotmail.com

SensoriaUtopia - OP, ne reason you are not posting their names, those are some pretty nice records, and with a BJ Blackbelt too, who are these people
Ewww a bj blackbelt?!? (Sorry, I had to. )

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

We need to Wade 5000 minutes before he tells us anything else about them. Phone Post 3.0

Without knowing who they are, then the answers no. Phone Post 3.0

Please email any questions you have to Fightergy@gmail.com

Wade5000 - Please email any questions you have to Fightergy@gmail.com
The fuck? Just mention their fucking names, what's the big deal? Phone Post 3.0