2 Hogs

humping each other taht is what wrestling looks like but freestyle is still my fav and pro was my first fav so i guess its a acquired taste unless they start wearing gis i think sweaty mens wrestling will gross people out especially women




Now I see the light! I shall immediately renounce wrestling for the semi-coherant reasons stated above!

And it's "kesa" gatame, not "gesa" gatame.

And it's "kesa" gatame, not "gesa" gatame.

sorry jonpall, but due to the sometimes difficult translation of japanese to english the k and the g are sometimes used interchanged.

ex. Goshi-koshi and also the same with harai-barai.

i know some guy whos mexican who of course has native roots and as we all know the natives came to america via an asian land bridge so i am japanese by association

Sure. KKM, and we are really African by association, heck we are all a product of incest. Suuure.