2014 Duesseldorf Grand Prix--Day 3

Sorry, this is going to be late as I haven't been able to allocate the time to watch it yet. Just putting this here for now, so I don't forget to add the results to this forum. I will update soon.

I took misses all day Sunday at I was at our local tournament helping out. Will catch up tomorrow.

That's my excuse as well. 

Duesseldorf Day 3--Bronze and Gold Medal Matches

-90kg Bronze Medal Matches

Nishiyama (JPN) defeats Grossklaus (SUI) by yuko.  Throw was harai goshi. Over rotation. Could have been ippon. Threw him later but over rotated again for no score. Grossklaus picked up an early shido.

Gogotchuri (GEO) throws Buffet (FRA) with an absolute monster of an ura nage for ippon in the first 35 seconds.

-78kg Bronze Medal Matches

Tcheumeo (FRA) beats Zhang (CHN) by ippon. Catches her with a beautiful ko soto gake with only 11 seconds left. Zhang had scored yuko early with osaekomi.

Powell (GBR) defeats Malonga (FRA) by ippon.  Malonga gets a shido 45 seconds into the match, but then does a beautiful uchimata/o uchi gari for waza ari.  She does it again a few seconds later, and this time for yuko.  With 1:55 remaining, Powell gets an o goshi grip and turns into a ko uchi gari for ippon.  Both -78kg bronze medalists come from behind to win their matches.  As Commander Peter Quincy Taggart says "Never give up, never surrender".

-100kg Bronze Medal Matches

Naidan (MGL) gets the ippon victory over Samoilovich (RUS).  This match was god awful as they were tied at 3 shidos each with about a minute remaining. Naidan hits a drop knee seoinage with 55 seconds on the clock, he gets nearly 30 seconds to pass the legs of Samoilovich, and he does. Osaekomi is called, the other waza ari is on the board, and wazari awasete ippon goes Naidan with 9 seconds on the clock.

Bucarini (BRA) beats Frey (GER) by ippon. He got finished with an ude garami at the 4:39 mark. Early shidos to both players, and somewhere about 2:00 into the match Bucarini scores yuko with seoi nage. With less than a minute to go, Frey tries a numbskull sutemi waza that does nothing except let Bucarini get in a position to execute the ude garami about 15 seconds later.

+78kg Bronze Medal Matches

Kuelbs (GER) defeats Polavder (SLO) by ippon. Great crowd pleasing uchimata comes at the 1:48 mark. Polavder had an earlier shido.

Yu (CHN) defeats Weiss (GER) by ippon. She pinned her about 2:30 into the match. Had scored yuko in the first 34 seconds with an osoto gari. Followed up with a drop knee seoinage for yuko score that led into the osae komi.


Silva (BRA) defeated Harasawa (JPN) by yuko. Scored with uchimata.  Harasawa had 3 shidos. Hard to get past the Giant Silva double lapel grip. As usual, a very boring Rafael Silva fight.  God forbid this guy becomes the king of +100kg.  Hopefully, Teddy stays around a long time.

Okruashvili (GEO) crushed his teammate Matiashvili (GEO).  I mean that literally.  Scored yuko around the 1:40 mark with ko soto gake. Then gets a waza ari on a counter, looks something like a tani otoshi. Matiashvili cannot continue, and match is awarded to Okruashvili.



-90kg Gold Medal Match

Ilias Iliadis (GRE) vs Noel Van T End (NED)

Double shidos 33 seconds into the match. Iliadis picks up a second for negative grip at 1:01. Van T End picks up his second one around 90 seconds into the match for stepping outside.  At 2:09 Van T End picks up a passivity shido and is down 3-2 in penalties.  Iliadis with his 3rd at 2:31. With 26 seconds left, Iliadis throws Van T End with uchimata for a called waza ari, but downgraded to yuko.  No more scores. Iliadis (GRE) beats Van T End (NED) by yuko and wins the -90kg division.

-78kg Gold Medal Match

Luise Malzahn (GER) faces Anamari Velensek (SLO)

Malzahn draws first blood scoring yuko with ko soto gake around the 1:40 mark.  Malzahn picks up a shido near the end of the match, and that is all there is to say about that. Malzahn (GER) defeats Velensek (SLO) by yuko and takes the gold medal.

-100kg Gold Medal Match.

Maxim Rakov (KAZ) versus Luciano Correa (BRA)

Luciano Correa takes the title by fusen sho. Rakov cannot come out after being injured in the semi-finals.

+78kg Gold Medal Match

Konitz (GER) goes up against Megumi Tachimoto (JPN)

Last chance for a German gold medal for today and for the tournament. Tachimoto has to be the favorite. Be that as it may, it is pretty even for the first two minutes. But not for long, a few seconds later, Tachimoto throws Konitz for yuko and follows up with osaekomi for the ippon. Throw was ashi guruma more than harai goshi IMO.  Tachimoto (JPN) defeats Konitz (GER) by ippon and is the queen of the +78kg division in Duesseldorf.

+100kg Gold Medal Match

Daiki Kamikawa (JPN) faces Faicel Jaballah (TUN)

As great as the Travis Stevens match was for an ending on Day 2, this is the other end of the spectrum. Not going to waste too many pixels on this. Kamikawa (JPN) beats Jaballah (TUN) by hansoku make. It was 4-2 in shidos and the referee puts the crowd out of their misery at the 3:32 mark.









Day 3 Finals and Bronze Medal Matches Statistics

Total Matches                                        15

Total Ippon                                               9

Total Waza Ari                                          0

Total Yuko                                                 4

Total Hansoku Make                              1

Total Fusen Sho                                      1

Breakdown of Ippons

Total Tachi waza                                       5

Total Katame waza                                  4

Breakdown of Katame Waza

Osae waza                                                3

Kansetsu Waza                                        1

Ippons by Gender

Male                                                             4 (3 divisions)

Female                                                        5

Breakdown of Ippons by Gender

Male Tachiwaza                                         2

Male Osae Waza                                       1

Male Kansetsu Waza                               1

Female Tachiwaza                                    3

Female Osae Waza                                  2


Duesseldorf Grand Prix Days 1-3 Statistics

Total Matches                                42

Total Ippons                                   22

Total Waza Ari                                  5

Total Yuko                                         6

Total Shido                                       5

Total Hansoku Make                       2

Total Fusen Sho                              2

Breakdown of Ippons

Total Tachiwaza                            13

Total Katame Waza                        9

Breakdown of Katame Waza

Osae Waza                                      7

Kansetsu Waza                              2

Ippons by Gender

Male                                                10

Female                                           12

Breakdown of Ippons by Gender

Male Tachiwaza                               7

Male Osae waza                              2

Male Kansetsu Waza                      1

Female Tachiwaza                           6

Female Osae Waza                         5

Female Kansetsu Waza                 1                                                                             


Duesseldorf Day 3 Statistics for Matches Decided by Penalties



Total Matches                 22

Total Shido                        2

Total Hansoku Make       1


Total Matches                 19

Total Shido                       2

Total Hansoku Make      0


Total Matches                 28

Total Shido                       2

Total Hansoku Make      2 (1 direct)


Total Matches                18

Total Shido                       5

Total Hansoku Make      1


Total Matches                19

Total Shido                       2

Total Hansoku Make      3

Total All Preliminaries

Total Matches                 106

Total Shido                        13

Total Hansoku Make         7

Shido Pctg                     12.3%

Hansoku Make Pctg       6.7%

Total Penalty Pctg         18.9% (difference is rounding)

Total Preliminaries and Finals Block Day 3

Total Matches                    121

Total Shido                           13

Total Hansoku Make         8 (1 direct)

Shido Pctg                       10.7%

Hansoku Make Pctg         6.6%

Total Penalty Pctg            17.3%                                    






Duesseldorf Days 1-3 Statistics for Matches Decided by Penalties


Total Matches                        367

Total Shido                               48

Total Hansoku Make              28 (5 direct)

Total Shido Pctg                     13.1%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg       7.6%

Total Penalty Pctg                   20.7%

Finals Block

Total Matches                           42

Total Shido                                 5

Total Hansoku Make                2

Total Shido Pctg                     11.9%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg       4.8%

Total Penalty Pctg                   16.7%

Total Preliminaries and Finals

Total Matches                           409

Total Shido                                  53

Total Hansoku Make                 30

Total Shido Pctg                       13.0%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg        7.3%

Total Penalty Pctg                    20.3%




Duesseldorf Days 1-3 Statistics For Matches Decided by Penalties (continued)

Totals Per Gender

Male Preliminaries

Total Matches                          212

Total Shidos                               27

Total Hansoku Make                 18

Total Shido Pctg                      12.7%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg        8.5%

Total Penalty Pctg                    21.2%

Male Finals

Total Matches                              21

Total Shidos                                  1

Total Hansoku Make                    1

Total Shido Pctg                          4.8%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg         4.8%

Total Penalty Pctg                       9.5% (difference is rounding)

Male Preliminary and Finals

Total Matches                              233

Total Shidos                                  28

Total Hansoku Make                    19

Total Shido Pctg                          12.0%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg            8.2%

Total Penalty Pctg                        20.2%

Female Preliminaries

Total Matches                               155

Total Shidos                                    21

Total Hansoku Make                      10

Total Shido Pctg                             13.5%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg              6.5%

Total Penalty Pctg                          20.0%

Female Finals

Total Matches                                  21

Total Shidos                                      4

Total Hansoku Make                        1

Total Shido Pctg                              19.0%

Total Hansoku Make                       4.8%

Total Penalty Pctg                          23.8%

Female Preliminary and Finals

Total Matches                                   176

Total Shido                                          25

Total Hansoku Make                          11

Total Shido Pctg                               14.2%

Total Hansoku Make Pctg                 6.3%

Total Penalty Pctg                             20.5%

Great analysis as usual. The match Okruashvili (GEO) crushed his teammate Matiashvili (GEO). That kosoto gake took out the knee. Dropping his 300 lbs straight down and hooking the leg the from the side so the opponent can't turn and get his leg out should be banned. Otherwise the matches were somewhat entertaining. Some high level skills displayed by Nishiyama, Naidan and Iliadis and the new comer Bucarini. thanks

I think Iliadis is going to have a rough quadrennial, and he is one of my favorite players of all time.  The rules are truly negating a big part of his gripping game.  He is often perilously close to getting penaltied out in big matches.

Was it a ko soto gake on the last score by Okruashvili? I only watched it once and thought it looked like a tani otoshi. Should have looked closer.  First throw was definitely ko soto gake.

I thought the Naidan match was awful till the drop knee seoi nage. That was pretty. I was surprised at how long they let him go to secure the osae komi.  If you aren't practicing newaza, you are taking a big risk these days in elite competition. That's another issue that I think might hurt Iliadis as it seems to me that newaza skills of the players are ramping quickly.  I am conflicted on this.  I will bet that you will see many new spectacular ground attacks coming out of the 200 judo nations. That's great.  But for myself, I prefer tachiwaza way more than newaza.  Glad I don't have to compete these days.


I still believe the elite throwers like Nishiyama/Iliadis will always be in the game to end since they can end the match anytime particularly near the end of the match. Naidan on the ground is a match for anyone. Those with throwing skills just below guys like Nishyama/Iliadis can improve their chances with excellent mat skills. Look how Travis has made himself more dangerous with his mat skills. Not a thrower in the class of Iliadis/Nishiyama but his judo game is more dangerous adding the sacrifice throws and follow-up ground work. More ways for him to win.