205er looking for fight in mid mar

I need to find a fight for around mid march. I have all my medicals and i'm already licensed in ga, nevada, and florida. brchism@valdosta.edu




Get this man a fight


amt, pro, record?

We may need a standby pro 205er for April 5th in case one of the two guys falls out.

where is the event. email me the details. brchism@valdosta.edu

pro record 3-3 am. record 6-1

I'll fwd your email to our matchmaker.

i still need to find a fight before this one if anybody knows of one


You should fight shawn loaffler at hook n shoot march 29th.

get this tough sob a fight

Got something.  Email Nate@MMAagents.com and say I sent you. 

Damn Josh, can't even hook me up?????

The Brett and Dave Mewborn fight was a war....one of the better fights i have seen...Brett puts on a show.


Damn! I need a fight too! LOL! What's happening Rich? Hope all is well. Ken P, Hope that trip up to Luke's did you a world of good! The pics looked good!

Jeff, how's it going man?

When's the last time you fought? Got anything scheduled on the horizon?

i rewatched that fight the other night