34 wins?

Am I missing something here with Mayhem? Where did they get these 11 fights from? Phone Post

11?? Miscalculating?? 34-24 = 10

Oopsie I just looked at his record on sherdog. It says he has 24 wins there but it says he has 23 on the database on this site. Either way, why does the UFC lie about records just to hype their fighters? Phone Post

They also got his loses wrong, said 8 instead of 7. Semantics, but meh. UFC always exaggerates something sometimes. dont know why.

Lots of guys have more fights then what are posted on sherdog and here. You fight in tiny promotions if there promoter doesn't officially post it then they don't get recorded on times. Also Mayhem has been fighting for a long time where even more fighters have unrecorded fights.

Fighttrader - Lots of guys have more fights then what are posted on sherdog and here. You fight in tiny promotions if there promoter doesn't officially post it then they don't get recorded on times. Also Mayhem has been fighting for a long time where even more fighters have unrecorded fights.

Good point!