44 Reasons to Hate Steve Mazzagatti

Steve Mazzagatti

Steve Mazzagatti is a ref for UFC and IFL and a few other MMA events, and he is by far the worst ever.

I despise him because he makes bad calls, dangerous calls and is overall just a bad ref.

My reasons are many so I have listed them here.

1 Brock lesner fight, horrible call Mir should have lost but Steve screwed it up.

2. the recent fight with A Johnson, where he was poked in the eye three times and when it finally hurt him soo badly he couldnt go on. What does Steve Mazzagatti do now? He gives the win to the other guy who just broke the rules.

3. He had a horrible mustache that looked very pedophile like.

(THe following are not proven but Steve has never said they werent true)
4.Steve Mazzagatti double dips on party platters.

5. Steve Mazzagatti: drops the F-bomb in front of preschoolers.

6. Steve Mazzagatti: uses expired coupouns whenever possible.

7. Steve Mazzagatti: tips at 8% or less, always.

8. Steve Mazzagatti hates children and puppies.

9. Steve Mazzagatti talks on his cell in movies theaters.

10. Steve Mazzagatti shouts out the punchline to every joke.

11. Steve Mazzagatti doesnt believe the holocaust happened.

12. Steve Mazzagatti never recycles ever, in fact he empties his neighbors recycling into the garbage.

13. Steve Mazzagatti speeds at 100mph in school zones.

14. Steve Mazzagatti gives bad directions on purpose.

15. Steve Mazzagatti picks all the oreo chunks out of the cookies and cream ice cream, leaving a mushy vanilla for everyone else.

16. Steve Mazzagatti sings the lyrics wrong really loud.

17. Steve Mazzagatti is a mouth breather.

18. Steve Mazzagatti never picks up after his dog.

19. Steve Mazzagatti wears white after labor day.

20. Steve Mazzagatti never uses his blinkers.

21. He drinks milk from the carton no matter where hes at.

22. He still plays 'super bass tapes' in his car to annoy everyone around him.


He refers to himself as ' the Steveanator'

24. He once poured sugar in my gastank while burning an american flag.

25. He is penpals with Osama Bin Laden.

26. He cuts in line at Disney.

27. Steve takes peoples lightbulbs from thier bathroom, as a joke.

28. Steve once talked to a guy who was friends with some other guy who was a murderer. Concincidence? You be the judge.

29. Steve cuts down trees on arbor day.


Steve drives a hummer just to waste gas

31. Steve parks in handicap spot with no permit.

31. Steve eats all the M&M's out of trail mix.

32. Steve enters the special olymiics so he can win.

33. Steve slips the girls the tongue when practicing cpr.

34. Steve goes through the communion line twice to avoid having to go out to eat later.

35. Steve thought Battlefield Earth was an awesome movie.

36. Steve is a volunteer meder maid because he thinks it fun.

37. Steve knows what crop circles mean, but he wont tell anyone.

38. Steve dresses up as Santa at christmas only to pull off the beard and hat and ruin kids belief that santa existis, he does it the same thing with the easter bunny, tooth fairy, and Chanukah Harry.

39. Steve gives Brussel sprouts and Artichoke hearts to trick or treaters.

Steve went to Astronomy. com and bought as many stars as he could and named them all derivatives of "Stevanator; Stevo, Stevester..."

41. Steve Magzzatti, scalps expired tickets at sporting events.

42. Steve wears Yellow to funerals.

43. Steve blocks every channel on his kids TV except for Home shopping network.

44. If Steve gets hold of your cell phone he we will change your default language to Arabic.
45.Steve blows everyones elses birthday candles out before the song is over.

wow, you really must have a lot of free time..

 Respect the stache!

He has a cool job, stop with the J

4 through 44 sound just like me, and the first 3 aren't reasons to hate...


What a hateful individual. Ban Mazzagatti!

I was getting pissed in the first couple ...now I respect him more. damn the rules of modern society!

All Hail the Stache!!



Steve is the worst ever, I heard he also asks for happy endings no matter what service hes at, example Mcdonalds, the car wash, the chiropractor...

Steve is a great ref but BJM is the best. Reffing isnt easy

Actually, the fight that bothers me the most is Yves Edwards vs. Josh Thompson. Yves, knocks him out with the high kick, then punches him several more times because Steve was literally not paying attention. Inexcusable.

  1. Steve takes peoples lightbulbs from thier bathroom, as a joke.

    I am doing that as soon as possible.

Steve Mazzagati is the only ref we can do a betting pool with on mustache or no mustache.

He has my support.

There are TONS other worse refs than Mazzagati.

People hate him only because they see him in all the big shows. He's a better ref than 85% of those currently working in the industry.

Steve tips strippers with loose change.

Steve is a great ref and good for the sport... Hope he's around for years to come!

Did you use Phil Baroni's computer to type that post?

I will always respect Steve Mazzagatti for this, if no other reason...just before filming the FFC at the Hard Rock years ago, Steve came to me and asked how best to stay out of MY way - MY WAY. To date, I have filmed over 300 MMA shows (easily) and he was the only one to ever show such concern/respect/etc.

With that said, has he made some bad calls...sure...has every ref made some bad calls...yes.