5 Best Matchups for CM Punk

I think Hall would destroy him. Phone Post 3.0



then retire him

it's good that he's willing to try but unfortunately unless they match him up with the K1 version of Damien Maia he's gonna lose to most guys who have trained all their lives to actually fought on the local circuits to get into the highest level of the sport.

They will give him a grappler for sure. I just hope his opponent doesn't get a guaranteed locker room bonus and somehow loses the fight Phone Post 3.0

I always wanted his "name" to be Charles Montgomery Punk

Jason von flue Phone Post 3.0

Julian Lane. Just let em bang Phone Post 3.0

Aaron Riley? Rich Clementi? Phone Post 3.0

I'll fight him. I'm about his age. 0-0. Haven't trained in a while. Weigh about middleweight at all times. I'm willing to have the fight today. I'll do it for free.

The Power Ranger guy makes the most sense. If either one of them loses they can each still be milked for at least another fight.

Renzo? Phone Post 3.0

Rick franklin? Mooooousasi? Uriah hall? What the fuck? I know the commissions are crooked but there's not a commission on earth that'll allow a former world champion to fight a guy with no fights. He won't be able to get a fight with anyone who's fought more than a few times. Phone Post 3.0

Mcgregor Phone Post 3.0

Jason David Frank
Mario Lopez
James Toney
Kimbo Slice
Some other boxer or grappler with little to no MMA experience. Maybe get Marcelo Garcia back to make quick work of Punk. Phone Post 3.0

There's gotta be someone on the UG who is 1-1 who wants to fight punk? Now that would be some bomb diggity shit. Phone Post 3.0

Doc t. Ive been all over this forum saying I want the fight.

2-1 bjj blue belt got it from huelder motta at equipe motta in barretos brazil in 2009. Judo background before that. I come to fight, not gonna fold easily, I broke my hand in 2 places and fought 2 more rounds before I finished my last fight. I haven't fought in almost 2 years but I still train when I can and would put everything into this one just like I have all my others....I am a cm punk fan. I think it'd be awesome to punch him in the face as well as be hit back by him and I most certainly wouldn't be in awe of him...........I guarantee I'd see if this was a sport he really wanted to do. If he took it light, I'll beat him post to post and have no problem with it. If he bests me then he bests me and we will see just how good he is and I won't have any qualms about that either

Uger derek stewart is the fight to make with punk!

Doc T - There's gotta be someone on the UG who is 1-1 who wants to fight punk? Now that would be some bomb diggity shit. Phone Post 3.0
Dan the Wolfman who's roughly the same age, losing record, Hollywood stunt guy Phone Post 3.0

Didn't Bret Hart's nephew beat CM Punk in a real fight?

Another name just came to me that would be all sorts of fucking crazy.  CM Punk vs Mayhem Miller.  Boom!  Uncle Frank, hire me and fire Joe Silva!

Reinstate Wand. Phone Post 3.0