50% more ASS


LOL @ mudnamers.

Don't they KNOW!!!!???

 I can only speak for myself... but that banner is 96% true.... however, 64% of all statistics are bullshit. 

could have told me this BEFORE I met my wife !

lol miss rara is cute but im not into asian women too much i can see why alot of people would find her attractive though. i actually find tracy lee hot as hell im a big fan of big tatas!! speaking of tracy lee where are her blogs or did she stop because of the kids on ehre running her off??

 I'm glad you like the new banners; I came up with those today :)

Joe Lauzon -  I can only speak for myself... but that banner is 96% true.... however, 64% of all statistics are bullshit. 

hey Joe,

whens your next fight?

50% of the time, it works every time.

That's actually a pair of disembodied mannequin legs.

 while that's nice and all...maybe I shouldn't have gone blue...

^though really that's more like 200% more

 LOL awesome banner; and it's true=)

PTM2020 - 
Joe Lauzon -  I can only speak for myself... but that banner is 96% true.... however, 64% of all statistics are bullshit. 

hey Joe,

whens your next fight?

 Hopefully shortly after the new year... I am training hard now but do not want any setbacks. 

 best of luck brotha..   always love watching you fight, since back in the day when you posted that HL vid and fighting your bro in the back yard. lol

Did you incur an injury that I missed?
In the time you spent in the cave, Joe underwent ACL surgery.


Ryan MacLeod - 
Joe Lauzon - 
PTM2020 - 
Joe Lauzon -  I can only speak for myself... but that banner is 96% true.... however, 64% of all statistics are bullshit. 

hey Joe,

whens your next fight?

 Hopefully shortly after the new year... I am training hard now but do not want any setbacks. 

Did you incur an injury that I missed?

 You can't troll a troll...

Chris - 
Did you incur an injury that I missed?
In the time you spent in the cave, Joe underwent ACL surgery.


Clearly, Chris is an interweb newb.  

 : )

 "Sixty percent of the time, it works every time"

                                                       -Brian Fantana

 There are numerous people that can vouch for this...

if thats wat 50% more ass looks like, then i may never sign up