52 Blocks(Cont'd): Part Deux

Would K be open to teaching what he knows?

I'm not speaking for myself (since there's no way I can learn from him due to geographical considerations) but I imagine there'd be a lot of people who'd be interested.


Well, at this point the guy is basically doing this as a favor to me and as a matter of pride. And to set the record straight. I know he is probably reluctant to give away the "whole deal" -- or at least get into some of the mentality behind 52 Blocks.

But as a practical matter, he's just getting on his feet and getting his bearings after nearly four full years behind bars. And he's committed to not going back to the gangsta life, unless someone brings violence at him. I've told him he could certainly show a lot of people a thing or two about self-defense. I mean this is a guy who's not only been fighting his whole life, it's really a miracle that he's still alive in his mid-30s since his body is a roadmap of knife marks and bullet scars.

So unlike a lot of so-called martial arts experts, he can not only tell you what will and will not work when a guy pulls a knife or gun on you, he's actually had the experience of getting shot up pretty bad.

I'm meeting with him today and I'll find out what his feelings on teaching is.

"I'm meeting with him today and I'll find out what his feelings on teaching is." cool!

K's answer to above question is "Yes."

clips! clips!

tapes! tapes!

It'd be cool if K got a fresh start through MA. The discipline will help him too. Teaching is hard bloody work, if you take it seriously.


I'll email you in a bit. I didn't post anything further because I don't know an actual date yet. This is all owing to me being swamped with work and having a new baby in our little apartment. Hard to find enough hour in a day. I've got some traveling to do this summer to Chicago and Canada, so I'd like to get something started soon.
You're right about notifying as many New York members as we can. As previously said, though, this may end up having to be more than a one-time deal as there's no way everyone's scheduling will work out. I'm assuming a Saturday or Sunday afternoon will have to do, and allowing for K having a 6 p.m. curfew, my guess is we'll have to try for something like noon or one p.m. and ending around four.
And this is all assuming that someone can help me out with an adequate space. My gym on 34th Street has a boxing ring, but it's a small personal training gym and can't accomodate that many people.
more later



Please videotape the seminars! I'd love to buy a
copy when it's done, and I'm sure a lot of other
forum members would too. I would also imagine
K could use a little extra money and tape sales are
certainly a way of attaining it.

a lurker on this forum has emailed me saying that some of what was posted on the crazy monkey thread in the jkd forum sounded like JHB / JHR / 52.

out of respect to the lurker, i don't want to mention his name, maybe he wants to stay anonymous.

having not seen JHB nor crazy monkey, i cannot comment. but the straight blast gym will be releasing instructionals on crazy monkey very soon.

food for thought.

edit: i hope he doesn't mind me posting. and there were a few details i left out. but the gist was that he felt crazy monkey sounded like JHB.

Did anyone catch I'm with busey the other night on Comedy Central? Busey was showing his buddy some martial arts stuff and he talked and demonstrated some Jail house rock. I know Busey isnt a master of it or anything, but from what he was showing, it looked like flashy boxing and some elbows.

did u tape it? can you make a vidclip of it?

I would have taped it, but i didnt know it was coming on. I was just sitting in my room with the TV on for some background noise and all of a sudden I hear "We did something called Jailhouse rock". I was like WTF?! and was glued to the tv after that. Anyway, if I see it coming on again I will definately tape it. From what I saw, I definately want to see someone who knows what they're doing do this stuff. It looks like in the right hands it could be confusing as all hell.

That's wild. I wish I'd seen it.

By the way, sorry I haven't updated the forum for a while. I've been travelling most of the summer. First to Chicago for some research, and now I'm in Canada for all of August.

I was hoping we could have set up the 52 demo stuff with K before I left New York, but it will have to wait till I get back to town.

If you thought what Busey did on TV looked confusing, and he's only replicating some very basic stuff that Dennis Newsome choreographed for him, I think you'll be astounded to see what K can do with his hands, forearms and elbows. We were weight lifting on 34th Street last month and afterwards, walking down the street, he started showing me some stuff that I hadn't seen for a while. For example, the completely deceptive sense of rhythm to 52 -- as opposed to boxing -- wherein even if you miss with a blow and are off balance, you've still got techniques to tag the guy as you're "wrong-footed." It's wild, trust me.

I cant tell you after seeing Busey's half assed skills on his show that i would give my left nut to see this stuff done by someone that really knows there stuff. I wish I lived in New York so i could come see whats up when yall finally have that demo.


Well, please don't give your left nut!

I know that a lot of folks are dying to see what it really looks like in person.

When K and me were walking down West 34th Street, just messing around, I was hitting him with different scenarios of how shit goes down in a fight and what happens in prison and he was coming straight at me with such crazy shit that everyone was staring. We had to keep it moving. It was like, okay if a guy tries a takedown, and then he sprawls his legs so fast, so wide and then he's bap-bap-bap lighting fast elbow to the throat and crazy angle punches to the hip-bone. I mean, I know there's a ton of doubters out there, but when you see it, you'll know the real deal.


Call me impatient, but I'm still eagerly awaiting the time we can all meet to see Jail House Rock in action.


same here! Maybe make some clips for us to download if possible pls? =)



well, if you happen to walk down Madison Ave in the 40's with K - CALL ME!!! :-)

Has anyone seen the 2 video sets out by TRS, which claim to show prison fighting systems, are these
JHR in any same or form ?

main site http://www.trsdirect.com/product.php

Filthy Jailhouse Fighting Secrets by Dan Weber

Rock & Roll (American Prison Fighting) by James Painter

A big thanks to Jason and Stickgrappler for all their help