A message from your friends at Alta

Did alta hire the OG’s top men for their website?

No big deal. Just a typo of your phone number on the landing page lol

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On the contrary. I am asking for a daily like from you @fokaidamashii
That’s an incredibly gay name. Like me once a day and I’ll act like retard Australians should be treated as humans and not the end game of how 19th century pedophiles would survive on an island of lizards.

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I see u have only given out 110,000 likes,
I wanna see u hit a million by 2025 :fist_right::fist_left:

They’re holding me down!


I think the limit is 100 or 500 per day

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When I am made president, I will increase the likes to infinite.


Focus on being made a real boy first.

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I blow through my likes daily on the pitbull thread.


Alta? WTF is this shit? Get the news page going, you fuckin weirdos

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Haha yes I know what you meant, I was acknowledging your point


we know


Very exciting welcome on Board Alta !!!

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You’ve got no reason to have any issue with me. Just because I call bullshit on something you posted doesn’t mean we’ve got beef.


On a real bro.It’s too bad that you got here so late.This forum use to be unbelievable in different ways.

I just honestly don’t see how you can get a return on your investment.Advertising of course will be your source of income.

We are just not going to have the engagement that we had in yesteryear.This forum as much as I hate to say it is on the downside of activity.It can never be as big & bad as it once was.

I have been here since the beginning and been through all of the good shit & I’m not just talking about when all of the fighters posted here.

This forum will never enjoy the popularity that it once had.

If someone was to offer the same amount that you paid…I would take it.

Maybe you can enjoy $100,000 a month whatever amount it was that Kirik was making.

Abort & retreat.

Real talk that’s just my opinion.



ataca !

on a cereal note…

how does my pee pee taste ?

Alta you are doing just fine, dont listen to these noobs and already make @GeeGeeMasta a mod

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The OG is a separate section on the forum that is currently unavailable to new accounts. We will keep you posted.

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This is a bad move Harlem :frowning:

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lol at closed to new members. this isnt the beginning of the end. this is the last page