ADCC Trials

Under 65KG: Javi Vasquez

66-76KG: Cameron Earle

77-87KG: Marcos Avellan

88-98KG: Jamal Patterson

99+: Wade Rome

I do beleive that this guy will be winning the light-heavy weight division.

hmm is that the final -66kg ? I thought i read somewhere that Russ Muira was competing

are the brackets up ?

nasty nate will rule the 99+, and no one knows but b. maker

Javi has got the under 65kilos already won, he just has to finish it now.

Eric Koble will also be competing in the 77-87kg division.

Fletch and Mitch-You know I always have props for your school, but Nate's in a tough class. He's gonna have to fight perfectly to win. Jamal is a beast, Vera is awesome, Eliot marshall is really good, Rick Migliarese is very tough and experienced. Thats a really tough class. NOBODY is taking it easy.

Because of his job david avellan could not make it to the trials. Hopefully he will get the invite to ADCC. And I am pretty sure cardoso is out due to an injury he recently sustained.

Charles-Heard the same thing, thats why I think Glover might get in.

Just curious, did you send in a resume'?

No prob for nate. I mean if I ever have even the slightest doubt in my mind that one of my team mates is in over they're head than I wont say a word on it.
This is obviously not one of those times.
Since the last qualifier Nate has matured vastly. His win over Mr.Eastman in Vegas GQ helped his confidence and he will be a force i that division.

TTT For Brandon Vera ........he will suprise many of you he was a killer 6 months ago and is a freak now.......he has rolled daily with Dean and will be ready!!!!

Serra and BJ - nice ideas, but I want to see the former champion play with Marcelo -

Jean Jacques and Garcia!

: )

Now dat's matchmakin'

: )


Russ was put further down on the list I heard...somewhere like 9th. Unfortunately, he wont be attending the trials.

Charles-Heard the same thing, thats why I think Glover might get in.

Just curious, did you send in a resume'?

The avellans have won so many tournament in the last couple of years, they shouldn't even need to qualify if you ask me. They deserve a straight shot into the main tournament.

mitch, savbo,

I thought nate wanted to cut to the under 90KG (217 or whatever) division? they have him in the heaviest one.

Any ATT guys invited? I would think Marcel, Renato, Edson???

Nate is at 88-98.

thats what i thought, hes listed above:

99+ Brandon Vera, Mike Rogers, Rob Constance, Wade Rome, Nathan DuCharme, Karim Byron, Eliot Marshall