ADCC vs CJI - starts today

It is one mil for each bracket though.

Nothing beyond show money for any other finish though

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You ever roll with Gordon?

I think they have performance bonuses too but not sure how theyā€™re given out and only like 20k I think

Nope, only got to meet him once at seminar. He had staph during the time I was in Austin.

Got to roll with Griffith and some of the other New Wave guys at RGA Austin though.

I want to know because I want your opinion on if NR can beat GRā€¦

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I donā€™t know wtf that is. What about Vinny or Craig?

Not out of the realm of possibility, their last match was close. Nicky Rod broke his foot.

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Nicky can absolutely beat him.

His passing is as good as his wrestling now, and his leg defense is improving by the day. Nicky Ryan is the most knowledgeable grappler on the planet and Nicky Rod soaks up his knowledge like a sponge.

Once Nicky gets good enough at his sub defense, heā€™ll beat Gordon. Gordon isnā€™t naturally that big, Nicky will get to his back and strangle him with enough time.

Nicky Rod is the freakiest of freak athletes. Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say heā€™s the fastest and strongest guy Iā€™ve rolled with. Not like ā€œfastest heavyweightā€ā€¦like fastest guy period. Insane


Thatā€™s Gordonā€™s gym.

Craig canā€™t beat Gordon I donā€™t think. Not anymore at least.

His game is very gimmicky now, Gordon will never get tapped like that. Craig was close to him in like 2020 when they split. But heā€™s stayed about the same skill wise and Gordon has gotten way better.

Vinny is too old I think. Although weā€™ll learn a lot about where he is now after this ADCC.


wow Bradley got that round, seems they are punishing being passive and stalling

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Downey is really impressing me.

heā€™s not doing much

Yeah neither of these boys are impressing me much. I thought Bradley lost to Bohem, Downey impressed me more in the Luke match. Heā€™s just stalling here.

Better defense than I expected him to have though.

Everyone had low expectations considering he tapped from a half nelson to Gordon

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Who are the 3 commentators?

Easy path for Nicky Rod to the finals, probably wins the whole thing easily.

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2 are nobody Brits they got from Polaris

The third is Brandon Maccaghren an Eddie Bravo black belt who runs 10th Planet Decatur. Heā€™s a great coach and really knowledgeable. He has some of the best mounted triangle details.


Thereā€™s a lot of Decaturs. What state?

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Yeah Iā€™d agree. Hugo getting bumped makes it a lot smoother for him, but I donā€™t think he has much in the way of real competition.

Kanard looking like a sleeper, probably the only one who can throw a wrench in those plans

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