ADCC vs CJI - starts today

Looks like nobody really knows his game at all, so he has the element of surprise

He has that thing Cyborg used to have. Bigger dude but with a little guy guard.

Not many of these big guys have to defend good K guard players in the gym often

yeah it’s an unusual game and dude is crazy flexible

Roberto Satoshi Souza has been using that specific K guard sequence in MMA a lot in recent years

I mean for a heavyweight, there’s many smaller guys with this type of game

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Is this open scoring? Do the guys and their coaches know the scores or just the commentators?

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yes open scoring

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MMA HAS TO be open too!

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Kanard looking like a one trick pony

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Half of these faggy MMA judges don’t even fill out the cards after each round. They go back at the end of the fight and write them all in.

I do commentary for a local show and I see it really frequently.

Open scoring for MMA is needed.


Yeah he doesn’t have much outside of that backside entry and triangle

I don’t like this.

yikes that spot doesn’t stop bleeding

they need to mummy wrap him

Kinda seems like all these Brazilians just try to pass guard and hold and they mostly fail. The non Brazilians go for things.
Canard and the last dude tried to get subs… but they got nowhere.
But Santos was like Downey… they never tried any subs,

If in in your open guard and pass… and I never once tried a leglock then I should lose.
Shutting down k guard is great. But when that’s all I do is shut down your going to k guard then why should I win?
Like every other tourney this has shit rules and judges.
Why not just give it to whoever tries harder to get subs?
Otherwise it becomes dreadful to watch like ibjjf crap


Crab, where does Nicky live/train?

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It’s scored round by round. Kanard won the first round because he had sub attempts and was attacking, but he didn’t in the 2nd and 3rd round so the guy pushing the action and trying to pass won the round.

Austin TX

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I thought he was a NY’er for some reason too.

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lmao Rocha was trying to wipe blood and got caught with that triangle