ADCC vs CJI - starts today

He was until 2021.


this top of the head cut is similar to the Tim Tsyzu one, canā€™t really stop it

I just looked it up. Heā€™s actually from Philly?

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Kanard tried the spin over to back triangle in all 3 rounds.
He got nowhere remotely close in rounds 2 and 3ā€¦
But santos didnā€™t try anything except the same passes over n over that we knew by rnd 2 would never work.
Santos plan was to stall & get a decision. And he succeeded. Which has ruined all these matches.

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First place I saw his brother compete was Philly. I think they were Philly/NJ guys who moved to NY to train at Renzo NY

Thereā€™s a lot of cross pollination of grapplers between those cities.

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I wouldnā€™t consider that stalling, he was being safe and not taking a ton of risk but was trying to pass and got close a few times. Kanard obviously has a very difficult guard to pass as well.

Itā€™s grappling at a high level, guys are going to have games that cancel each other.


Itā€™s gonna be 3am east coast time when this ends at this pace :cry:

Nicky beats Filipe in the finals.


It took 5 hours to complete +80 kg, so maybe another 5 hours for this one.

Gordonā€™s miata up for grabs?

Iā€™m wide awake. Bring it on MTFK!

This right now?


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Letā€™s Do !t

Itā€™s 1pm here in Australia. Thanks, Craig!


My cousin who is half Italiano, half Brasiliano, couldnā€™t care less about combat sports, he lives in Sydney. Was a competitor in Top Chef Sydney.


Gabbi is surprisingly funny and entertaining.


Crab, stop bitching and go to South Jersey and buy an 8-Ball.


If in trying to safely pass and not getting close and you are trying to get subs from guard and not getting closeā€¦ then you should win.
If not then the sport devolves into stalling nonsense