Adesanya tells Ali Abdelaziz to pipe down about a fight with Usman

“For a whole country.”

Fuck off with that shit. It was beyond stupid with Brazilians and is with this too.

Imagine Americans or every country refusing to fight their countrymen.

So dumb.


Especially when it’s an American fighting a kiwi, don’t forget It went from Nigerian to African with Francis. Not like they would ever fight HWT but they made it an African thing.

So imagine if no North Americans fought each other, GSP may never have been champ, seeing as Africa is a continent lol

Maybe the next step is Black fighters can’t fight black fighters anymore and same with other races.

Just fight, you can be friends before and after


No mo black on black crime?


Why stop there? Let’s do this with the NFL, NBA, MLB…all of it!

No more countrymen battling each other!

Are pro sports the fucking Olympics now?

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What a fucking joke, these girls will come up with any excuses.

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