Adesanya Viciously Responds To Ex-Girlfriend Taking Him To Court For Half Of His Money



UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya is going to be facing a court battle with his ex-girlfriend. However, he is not backing down from this legal fight.

From Africa to New Zealand, Adesanya has worked to build himself up from hardships to become a kickboxer, then UFC champion, and one of the most popular fighters in the sport today. He has made millions of dollars, headlining multiple pay-per-view events and beating nearly every man he has faced in MMA, and racking up five title defenses and a total of eight championship wins.

Israel Adesanya Is Being Taken To Court

While Israel Adesanya has never been afraid to speak his mind and post wild things on social media, he is not often one to post about his personal life. However, his personal life is being dragged into the limelight, as his ex-girlfriend Charlotte Powdrell is apparently taking the middleweight champion to court, in an attempt to take half of his earnings.
This news came according to fellow UFC fighter and bantamweight contender Sean O’Malley, who spoke about it on a recent episode of his podcast. Here, he claimed that Powdrell is looking to take half of the money Adesanya has made, despite never having been married or having kids together, due to her time spent taking care of him and supporting him through his rise to fame.

“I’d seen Izzy tweet something and I was confused because I didn’t really know, but Izzy’s ex-girlfriend, they’re not married, right, wants half of his shit,” O’Malley said. “I don’t know how their relationship was because I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend, but to want half of what he’s gone out there and done is absolutely ridiculous… I mean it’s hard to say who knows maybe if they were together for 15 years since the beginning and she didn’t work because she was constantly making him food massage and at the gym doing all this stuff for him.”
This was seemingly confirmed when Israel Adesanya unleashed a vicious series of posts about his ex-girlfriend on social media. Several posts were made to his Instagram Stories, including one in which he shares a screenshot of a message for Powdrell.

"‘I’ve worked in mental health so Im really good at manipulating people…but like I would never use it.’

‘It’s not always fun living in his shadow and taking second priority because what he is doing is so important. After a while it just makes me feel small.’

‘Izzy if I move out I’ll drift away.’

…I wish I let you drift away into a miserable existence, because misery loves company and you love being a victim. Anywhore, sign the tenancy agreement ASAP. Also I really hope you lawyer up and come for my assets like you said, I hope you try affect my businesses such as Puma with your weak bitch threats. Please please do so, let pay for it all, you have a sugar daddy now who will pay for everything. For someone who moves in silence he sure does talk a lot about you guy’s plans lol. Mentally drain me…hahaha!! You are pathetic, even worse than when you said ‘well you’re gonna have to break up with me then.’ so you can be a victim just the way you like it. You’re just like (redacted) and you’re worse than (redacted). Show this to (redacted), show this to your lawyer too.

You have never helped me make money, only ever cost me money. Now you think you deserve half my shit? What an entitled pompous BRAT you are. I spit on you. I dare you to start your stupid campaign. Your threats don’t work here anymore, they’re fired! You are responsible for your emotions. You don’t care about my life cuz you’ve sold info about me, so I don’t care about yours. I don’t even hate you, I just don’t care about you. I’ve not been in love with you for a while.

In summary I am glad all this happened, I wouldn’t change a fucking thing. I’m glad I finally have someone who can stand next to me and not feel like my shine takes away from theirs, confident in her own light.

This will be the last time you are hearing from me. My lawyers will be in touch :nail_care:t6:

Bye Stylebender’s ex."

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This is obviously an unfortunate situation for anyone to be in, but Israel Adesanya seems to be confident that nothing serious will come of the legal action. Time will tell how this unfolds.

EX GF = Not Married F Off
Izzy is A UGer


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What are the laws in Australia… New Zealand where ever he is living ?

I know where I live there’s a thing called common-law marriage I believe it’s seven years you live with your partner than you are married according to the state .

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Yup laws in Australia are ridiculous

Don’t even think it’s 7 years - 2 or 3 and then it’s treated exactly like you we’re married

Makes a mockery of a real marriage


Ok @Hong_Kong_Phooey stated that he is from New Zealand


This bitch might have a case .
Cracking Up Lol GIF


Like most of the western world. If you are living toghether and in de facto relationship for long enough they can make a case for your shit. Marriage or not


Ps. UG realising Izy isn’t gay :exploding_head:


He is Bi


Doesn’t seem fair that you can get a prenup before a marriage but there’s no choice when they force common law on you.


To be fair, she kind of fucked up her future relationships sharkin’ with the champ.


It’s never fair on the guys


Laws need to change- plain and simple. It’s a fucking racket and all of it is being perpetuated by lawyers and scum who earn off it.
These laws stem from a time when woman didn’t work or have the ability to. Now woman are bosses just ask any cunt - they will tell you how equal we are- So if we are equal let’s fix these outdated laws and woman can now go earn the money themselves.
The nerve of this cunt trying to benefit off his fights- how did she contribute to any of it?


Well if men across the world would ban together and demand change maybe it would. I am going to attempt something in NY


She was a big part of his early UFC success. 40% is enough.

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Thats true , but 1/2 ?