Adrenaline Question Cutmen please read

Can anyone help me out as to where I can find Adrenaline 1:1000 as a new cutman?

I've asked various friends and family members in the health care industry, and no one has any idea. Do you guys just go see your doctors and tell them you need Adrenaline Chloride for fights?

This is the last part that is really giving me a hard time figuring out in the fight game. Thanks guys.

 You'll need a rx and you'll need to find a doctor who understands exactly what you're doing (and you better believe that if he doesn't have faith that you know what you're doing, that he won't write the rx.)

For anyone else starting out, you can order it online, without a prescription. Do some googling, there are online pharmacys that cater to this kind of stuff.

I just got some myself a couple days ago. Was easy peasy.

Be very careful when using it, I know some of the doctors wont stitch the cut if you put adrenaline on it until it wears off. I say some since I cant speak for all doctors.

You need epinephrine 1:1000 30 cc vial. Google is your friend. Draw up 2-3 cc in a 10 cc syringe, pull the plunger off the bottom, then stick swabs into the epi. Works like a charm. The guy who said doctors won't suture cuts after epi application is completely wrong. Treatment for a laceration is cleaning, numbing with 1% epi lidocaine mix, suture, bandage. Phone Post

mikehotel - You need epinephrine 1:1000 30 cc vial. Google is your friend. Draw up 2-3 cc in a 10 cc syringe, pull the plunger off the bottom, then stick swabs into the epi. Works like a charm. The guy who said doctors won't suture cuts after epi application is completely wrong. Treatment for a laceration is cleaning, numbing with 1% epi lidocaine mix, suture, bandage. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Ok, thanks for the info. I just know after my guy got cut the Doctor asked if we had put anything on it and said she couldnt stitch him up of we had.

 This thread got me thinking:  Is there any 'go-to' guide for aspiring cutmen or is it all learn as you go? 

Trim the back and sideburn areas of the hair using an electric razor for a polished look.