Advice for thailand trip...

Yeah pisand. That's why I believe that the local pimps deserve a harsher punishment than the customers.


Subic now is a wonderful, family-oriented vacation place. Been there 5x and I love it! Lots of wholesale outlets, yachting, beaches (although the beaches suck), good restaurants, etc. I'm not really so sure if child prostitution is still rampant, but I guess the local mayor did a good job of cracking them down. I also heard that a lot of pimps suddenly vanished into thin air - never to be seen by their family or friends again.

On a side note, one good thing brought about by the Americans who impregnated a lot of the hookers and left them is that there are a lot of gorgeous women with mixed blood.

I guess when Caucasian, Black, Asian and Hispanic races mix up, they produce beautiful offsprings! LOL!

Oh don't give me this whole moral high-ground bullshit.

Did ANYONE on this site say anything about child prostitution? I am sickened just as much as you guys are by it. I even talked some shit to a few fat assed german guys who I saw with young girls.

BUT- and i'm here to tell you...if you are not looking for that, it isn't necessarily right out in the open. That sterotype is perpetuated by western women who are scared to death that they will lose to out sourcing (foreign women).

Your American wives and girlfriends have a strong vested interest keeping you feeling guilty AND keeping your wallet, and your ass, parked at home where she can better control you. Sound familiar guys?

Now, that said: I can/could get the most upstanding professional, wealthy thai woman quite easily if i wanted. I'd give anything to sit in a bar, drink a beer and not have to deal with a bunch of screaming american hussies who talk more than a tea cup dog yaps. YAP YAP YAP YAP. Just shut the fuck up and don't talk. Asian women are good in this respect. They act like women, not like tough guys.

So yeah, it isn't about the prostitutes, but damn if you guys think you aren't PAYING for sex in america, you are a damn fool. YOU ARE paying everytime you have to hear your old lady bitch and complain, everytime you finance a diamond at 22%, and everytime she tells you where you CAN AND CAN NOT go. You guys are indentured servants who are paying anyways. The middle aged white guys RENTING LEGAL 18+ girls overthere know they are getting all of the benefits, with none of the headaches AND no one controls their wallet.

It only took most of them thirty years to learn this. I seriously wish I had a buck for every old white british or american I met over there who was living out his retirement and left the old crone at home to be with his 25 year old thai wife....


when i say training and girls, here's how my day would look:

wake up at noon. Go for a jog, eat. Go to the late afternoon class for two hours. hire the best trainer the camp has to train me. Learn as much as I can every class and focus on increasing my skill.

Go home. Shower.

Hit the clubs, meet girls, and have fun. Rinse/repeat

There is more to life than kicking pads and mt. If you are denying yourself the chance to mingle with pretty sweet little thai women you are a fool who will have many regrets. FACT.

Damn Adonis, you forgot the most important part.

"That is ALL!!!!"

and that is all

the Adonis

"Oh don't give me this whole moral high-ground bullshit.
Did ANYONE on this site say anything about child prostitution? I am sickened just as much as you guys are by it. I even talked some shit to a few fat assed german guys who I saw with young girls.

BUT- and i'm here to tell you...if you are not looking for that, it isn't necessarily right out in the open. That sterotype is perpetuated by western women who are scared to death that they will lose to out sourcing (foreign women).

Your American wives and girlfriends have a strong vested interest keeping you feeling guilty AND keeping your wallet, and your ass, parked at home where she can better control you. Sound familiar guys?

Now, that said: I can/could get the most upstanding professional, wealthy thai woman quite easily if i wanted. I'd give anything to sit in a bar, drink a beer and not have to deal with a bunch of screaming american hussies who talk more than a tea cup dog yaps. YAP YAP YAP YAP. Just shut the fuck up and don't talk. Asian women are good in this respect. They act like women, not like tough guys.

So yeah, it isn't about the prostitutes, but damn if you guys think you aren't PAYING for sex in america, you are a damn fool. YOU ARE paying everytime you have to hear your old lady bitch and complain, everytime you finance a diamond at 22%, and everytime she tells you where you CAN AND CAN NOT go. You guys are indentured servants who are paying anyways. The middle aged white guys RENTING LEGAL 18+ girls overthere know they are getting all of the benefits, with none of the headaches AND no one controls their wallet.

It only took most of them thirty years to learn this. I seriously wish I had a buck for every old white british or american I met over there who was living out his retirement and left the old crone at home to be with his 25 year old thai wife....

Best freaking post I've ever read in this forum. Hands down! Hey bro, if you don't mind, can I quote some of your phrases? I hope it's not copyrighted yet. :-)

Adonis has more copyrights then anyone on here, dont fuck around, he owns all of his material and he'll call you on copyright infringement. LOL

Sue me! I'm copying it!!! hehehe

"wake up at noon. Go for a jog, eat. Go to the late afternoon class for two hours. hire the best trainer the camp has to train me. Learn as much as I can every class and focus on increasing my skill. "

Bit of advice: If you want good training, show up to the am classes at least a few times a week. You can pay all you want for training but showing up to run with the kids who live at the camp pays big dividends.

Beyond your trainer, stuff like that leads to other fighters working with you, giving you tips, technique, etc. At Sityodtong I had 3 Lumpini champs and a ton of other great fighters giving me loads of free training because I was one of the only farang who was there almost every morning.

That, plus the stuff I posted above, will get you the best training possible. Pussy is pussy. You can get it anywhere. If you go to train, train and keep the late nights to a minimum.

everyone has a price for the million dollar adonis!!!

Cool page with camp reviews.

Enjoy your trip, man...wasn't it you that went for a 'soapy massage' with your girlfriend last time you were in Thailand? Heh...I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip.

TheAdonis - man, I envy you ... says this recently-married, long-hours-working, mid-30s guy ...

when are you thinking of going theAdonis?

I am planning on going in thailand too later in 2008....and I have made my choice

I will go to Pucket in the Tigergym train with Ray Elbe

Jujubre, make sure you say hi to me. are in Thailand?

I should be where you're going later this year as well.

I won't say what gym i'll be at until after I come back. :)))

you'll know me when you see me.

and that is all

The Adonis

I'll be at Sinbi in June and July :)