AFBJJ mad with power?

[Dutch falls to his knees, gazing at the sky]



Fair enough comments Dave, I can understand that many would feel that the price ain't right when it comes to the recent AFBJJ competitions... I've previously been pretty vocal about the same. At some point people don't feel as though they are getting value for money e.g., your situation during the Vics - I'd be pretty pissed.

While we are questioning the variuos federations/associations etc, what do people know about the Australian Jiu-Jitsu & Grappling Assocation AJJGA) and the (NSW) Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation? Do they have elections, who are its office holders, what does it cost to "join" and what does one get for their hard earned cash?

Apollon you are correct. We had a representative from every major club in the Sydney Championships (repackaged Grappling Challenge). The NSW Federation would definitely have to be the no.1 BJJ circuit in Australia. Hopefully we'll also get a huge turnout for the National Championships as well.

I do think that Melbourne has more political issues in regards to competition than Sydney does. Though Sydney has it's issues, the academies are more likely to sit down and try and resolve these problems as they occur.

Dave does bring up an interesting point. I do understand that there may be affiliation fees required (we all know that there are costs associated with any organisation). What I'd like to know is what is being done with these fees? There has to my knowledge never been an AGM (I've never seen one announced), any minutes or overview of any meetings, any information on the direction of where the AFBJJ is headed (other than publicity) or any yearly reports. I do support the AFBJJ but I would like to know more about what is going on. The entry fees (as well as sponsorship) cover the cost of the competitions, so where does all the membership and joining fees go?


Dutch, you need not pay for your school or yourself to "affiliate" in the AJJGA comps. just the tournament fee. As for the Machado nats. that is not an issue as it concerns no one else anyway because only Will/Machado guys can compete (and even then it is only the tournament fee.)

Elvis is correct there is no transparency or accountability where the AFBJJ is concerned and I have some thoughts on where those moneys are going, either A)in the pocket of Mr. De Been or worse still B)in the pocket of Carlos Gracie jnr. because it certainly isn't going to the volunteers and the guys that actually do the work on the day! Until it can be proven that the contrary is in fact true I will stand by my deduction. I urge all that paid any money to demand proof of where it is going, and demand say in where it is spent. IT IS YOUR HARD EARNED CASH I SPEAK OF HERE!!!!!!! GET SOMETHING TANGIBLE FOR YOUR DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike some of my more politically correct bretheren I DO NOT support any organisation, they can all kiss my lily white arse! I support Jiu Jitsu and my loyalty lay with my instructor John Will. That is as far as it will ever go.

Refuse to be kept in the dark! Do not take no for an answer! and DO NOT accept any bullshit about fulfilling "your needs" as a BJJ practitioner, your needs are met on the training mat and in the instruction that your recieve, not in any tournament that you have to pay throught the nose for and medals that look like they have a chocolate centre. It is time that the AFBJJ looked after you because you have looked after them long enough!

Jiu Jitsu for the people!!!!!!

David Krstic

"Dutch, you need not pay for your school or yourself to "affiliate" in the AJJGA comps. just the tournament fee."

True, however the "tournament fee" varies depending upon who you are. From the AJJGA entry form:

"Please enclose $40 by Cheque/Money Order made to AJJGA
... AJJGA members send $35 to the above address."

That implies that the $5 differential is a non-member charge. So if I was wanting to avoid that fee but compete in those comps, then I'd have to join the AJJGA. Can I do that for fee?

At least it is an 'open' competition - i.e. pay up and one can compete - much in the same vein as AFBJJ and NSW Circuit competitions. The M-Nats doesn't even provide those Machado players who wish to compete with the avenue to play against non-M-affiliated players.

Granted we Ground Zero guys are but mere mortals, but I would have thought M-players would enjoy using us as warm-up material?? BTW I enjoyed watching the M-Nats last year... it looked like fun.

Re the hard earned money rant: do any of the competition organisors offer discounts etc to competitors if they act as officals etc?

[John Will screws up Dutch's special invite to the M-Nats 2004 and shoots at his waste-paper basket for three points]


First you are splitting hairs but if that is the way you want to go $5 compared to a minimum of $20 seems like hardly anything to bitch about.

As far as you competing in the Machado Nats. are concerned it will never happen, and all I can say about that is it is a good thing. The M-nats are for Machado guys not for trophy whores "Yippee I got a trophy for having more competitors in a comp. than another school! That makes us special!".

I am sure that you are happy riding the nuts of an organisation that fulfils your needs. Now bend over for uncle Pete. You and those of your ilk are the type that the AFBJJ thrive on, Dance for Pete, Dance!!!! Spare me your defense of the indefensible and learn that you are standing on the slower side of the fence.


P.S. Would you be interested in some beach front property and a used car?

"you meatheaded shitsack, brazilian wannabe, AFBJJ nutrider."


I miss you, Dave!

- Adam Stanecki.


May I ask who from Gracie-De Been was competing in the Sydney Championships? I know of no one from the club competing in the event.

As for Dave: I, and Peter de Been, addressed your concerns last year after the Pan Pacs about exactly where AFBJJ funds go to. If you are, indeed, all that concerned about it, call Pete, and take it up with him. It's not as if he's all that difficult to contact.

My question to you is this: Are you hoping to actually get something done, or are you trying to elicit the usual sympathetic response from a forum that you well know that Pete doesn't frequent?

I will be speaking to Pete on Monday, when he gets back to St Kilda from hospital about this, and showing him this thread.

LOL Im telling my mum on you!!

Yawn. I must admit that this is all getting a little boring now, but thanks for the effort Dave. All biased views aside, at least you made for a good distraction from the office for a while.

"May I ask who from Gracie-De Been was competing in the Sydney Championships? I know of no one from the club competing in the event."

Sorry I don't remember his name. There was a single competitor who registered under PdB. I think Peter Polygenis may have also competed (But he was under Marcelo if I remember correctly). The only reason I remember is because I did the draws. I believe he was a white belt.


Sen: it really depends upon you and your coach/organisation.

While many people would like to wash their hands of all the politiking etc and just train/compete etc unfortunately you've got to be aware of how your actions appear to and affect your relationship(s) with others. Much like anything else in life.

"Don't believe the hype! Fight the power!" - Hey Dave, I didn't know you were a Public Enemy fan? Come to think of it, I thought I seen a clock necklace under your gi...

Apart from the suggestion that the AFBJJ may be just a beauracratic money grabbing/self promoting scam, what's the go with 'announcing' a 'national championship' about a week or so after the NSW Fed announced one? I guess the NSW guys took it upon themselves to build a national comp because no one else would, so surely the correct thing for the AFBJJ to do would have been to discuss their 'national' with the NSW Fed first (since they announced theirs 1st) and work out how to proceed together. And why we're at it, why not just cut the bullshit and get the AJJGA in on the party and build a truly national comp? Come on kids, i'm sure we can all play together for just one comp a year... All these guys claim they are trying to advance BJJ in Oz but what better way for the sport aspect of our art (not too mention the profile) to progress then by open and comradely competition? My suggestion for the moto of the comp would be 'not for profit or ego but for jiu jitsu'...

I guess i'm just a naieve white belt who doesn't understand the 'politics' (ie bullshit) behind it all (and who can't spell for shit).

Less bullshit, more jiu jitsu (Rookie heads to mat humming "imagine all the people...")

PS- apart from that one song in no way em i a Lennon/Beetles fan. Just so you know...

Too much politics for me. I'm taking up hrappling

wanna take up hrappling hey?

...ok then no worries, just skull a bunch of vodka (cruisers, cc&dry, etc), dance around and generally act like a jackass, expose your testicles for all to see, dip exposed testicles in aformentioned vodka beverage, place drink coasters tween similarly exposed buttocks, drink more, and more still, show testicles again, throw up, wash vommit off your shirt (and dry shirt under hand dryer), stumble onto street, get up, fall over, get up, fall over, stumble down street, fall into prestige car yards garden (with pants down)... i think you get the general idea... thats the kind of mind set you have to be in to fully appreciate the art of hrappling (coincidently its also how you'd behave if you were cobras at his b'day party last night :p)

Where do u sign up for hrappling???????

Coops is that the first part of becoming a member?


i would of thought if you dont agree with afbjj and its policys you would just not become a member....dont compete in their with others instead

I was going to use "Won't get fooled again", by "the Who" but I don't know the vintage of who I am dealing with.

That is right buhrmann I won't be/will be.

Tell Pete! that is the point! Fact is, honest dealings would dictate that he tells everyone voluntarily not on demand.

It would be nice to ban the B.S. but when there is money to be made then it just won't happen.

Jiu Jitsu for the people!


buhrmann, is that richard or jason?

Jason Berman = Dutch Law
