After bout ( funny gif )



Head movement. Check.

TDD. daawwww..... Phone Post

 Old man must be British or related to Mayhem with that TDD.

 Cains takedown was GSP'esqe

So far he has displayed the best mma wrestling in the division.

UFC HOF is a joke anyways. Don't think it matters either way, his legacy is already secured

So fucking awesome! Watch out for that right overhand boys!

I still can't understand why he opened with a leg kick against Cain.

torquemada - I still can't understand why he opened with a leg kick against Cain.

 That had to be a way legkicks were gameplanned against a stud wrestler like Cain.  That may be the easiest TD Cain's ever hit in his life.

 lol, great gif

i wonder how much bigfoots Head weighs?
at least 30 lbs hahaha
no matter how hard he falls he still gets whip lash

Good job, old dude.

Man it did not take a lot to bring either old guy down didn't it... They could both use 6 months sprawl training.

Lol. Great gif OP! :) Phone Post


Grandpa ankle pick. Phone Post

WTF.. Is that dentures flying out? Phone Post

ThatDudeButch - WTF.. Is that dentures flying out? Phone Post
Haha yup. Phone Post

jjj2121 -  Old man must be British or related to Mayhem with that TDD.

LOL Phone Post

the other old dude was like "try my butterfly guard mfer!!" Phone Post

UGCTT_chuckles1 - 
ThatDudeButch - WTF.. Is that dentures flying out? Phone Post
Haha yup. Phone Post


 guy who got the takedown was lucky... almost got renzo'd by that brutal upkick.