Aldo would wreck Penn

 BJ don't want none of that.

yeah penn doesn't want to cut a extra 10 pounds imo

LOL. I love Aldo, but BJ ain't scared of a 145er.


aldo will smash him like everyone else imo

 You is super dum dum.

 bj would want to fight him if he was 50 lbs heavier

 Aldo would beat Penn at 155lbs.

mma4me2 -  Aldo would beat Penn at 155lbs.

                      ^^^^  Super dum dum.

 This thread is funny

they got weight classes for a reason

aldos the best 145er.

 What skills does Penn have better than Aldo? His speed alone will give BJ nightmares of someone else who had much more speed.

 they're both Nova Uniao so we'll never know

 Aldo by KO round 2

 " got weight classes for a reason"

Yeah, so they can have more title fights.

mma4me2 -  Aldo by KO round 2

You are fuckin high..Bj has never been KO'ed.So now you have a 145er KOing him

some fighters are bigger bruah

Mad Xyientist -  they're both Nova Uniao so we'll never know

Pretty sure BJ doesn't train MMA with Nova Uniao guys

 Speed and Power kills, ask BJ.

He doesn't react well to those two combinations.

yes im sure it would kill when facing a bigger fighter

but aldo is smaller.