Alex Emelianenko vs.Miodrag "Pele" Petkovic.

Congrats to Aleks! Thanks for the update.


 TSGIGOR is awesome! VTFU!

Thanks for the info.

Thanks Igor gor for info.


God damn it.

I love me some Aleks, but what the hell is the point of him beating up nobodies in half-empty arenas for chump change? 

If he really does have a clean bill of health, he needs to get off his ass and go sign with a major promotion that can give him challenging fights.  If he does not have a clean bill of health, he needs to stop teasing his fans about the possibility of seeing him in a major organization.  I could enjoy these squash matches more if I knew he had no alternative.  As it stands now, I just get angry watching him beat the snot out of chumps when I know he could be more than competitive against elite HW fighters.

Most frustrating fighter EVER.


 Man if Aleks is all good with his blood and all, i would really really really love too se him sign a major organisation, UFC, Strikeforce whatever!

 more pics:

Muzalini -  TTT Dana are you watching? I'd love to see him in the UFC. If you can't sign Fedor sign Aleks!

great idea, sign a guy that can't even fight in any event in the entire country because he can't pass medicals.

that would be some great money spent there!!

humphrey sphinctermuscle - 
Muzalini -  TTT Dana are you watching? I'd love to see him in the UFC. If you can't sign Fedor sign Aleks!

great idea, sign a guy that can't even fight in any event in the entire country because he can't pass medicals.

that would be some great money spent there!!
