Alex Shvetson fighting in Japan

Alex Shvetson (10 Fights) from Fight Club in Perth, is due to fight in Japan on the 17th September. His opponent is Hiroshi Umenura a Black Belt BJJ with 14 fights.

Alex has been training hard and is excited to fight in Japan. Anyone that knows or has seen Alex fight knows that he is one of the most exciting people to watch. Alex stands at 5.4" and weights 60kg, he is extremely strong for his size.

This is a tribute for Habby Heske being the 3rd fighter he has trained and fought in Japan, with more coming soon.

On another note well done to Ross Dallow and Coen who fought last weekend and both won. This was Coen's 1st kickboxing fight and he is one to watch out for in the futre. Ross fought hard to come back from a knock down in the first round. He then took Piotr Clements down and controled the entire ground game. After getting mount he off loaded with huge strikes until the fight was stopped by the ref.

Well done to the guys in Perth and best of luck to Alex!

BEST of luck to Alex as said he is a VERY exciting little fighter!!!!!

Where's Ross nowdays? might have a fight for him up here.


Good luck alex

Result??? How'd he go?

learn to read the fight is 17th September

Go Aussie.

What event's he fighting on? Pity I get back the day before.

  • Juggs