All about the "ennerme"! (pic)

Didn't see anyone make one, so I thought I'd ran with it.

Can a bluey be so kind to help me out with an embed here?


LOL at Kimbo getting schooled by Aristotle.

I don't know if Kimbo just lifted that word association from somewhere or stumbled upon it on his own, but that level of introspective reflection made me like him a lot more.

Tap21 - I don't know if Kimbo just lifted that word association from somewhere or stumbled upon it on his own, but that level of introspective reflection made me like him a lot more.

...really?!... wow.

Heavy man heavy...

hits spliff

passes spliff

Next week on TUF 10, Kimbo explains why its so dangerous to make ASSumptions ...

Higlight of the show, to me at least.

duckrabbit - LOL at Kimbo getting schooled by Aristotle.

the best possible photoshop of the times of my favorite painting

Tap21 - I don't know if Kimbo just lifted that word association from somewhere or stumbled upon it on his own, but that level of introspective reflection made me like him a lot more.

maybe if he was 20.

someone make this shit a bumper sticker KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN?!

Tap21 - I don't know if Kimbo just lifted that word association from somewhere or stumbled upon it on his own, but that level of introspective reflection made me like him a lot more.

it's a Caribbean thing there is lot of folk sayings, idioms and parables as part of their mostly rural, protestant Christian culture.

i.e. "little ax chop big tree" "nothing beats a fail but a try"

He's actually been conveying intelligence and maturity that frankly rapes the UG.

Are you a human BE-ing or a human Do-ing?

ttt for Plato Slice

ttt (no titties alas)