Alonzo Menifeld ....potential?!

He’s a very explosive hard hitting blitz puncher. He’s dangerous in round 1 but if his opponent survives, then he’s most likely taking a loss. So, Alonzo tried to adapt and fight a slower paced fight and that didn’t work out too well. Without his blitz punching style, we saw he really doesn’t have a plan b. His grappling is non existent and he doesn’t kick…

There are a handful of fighters with Menifelds skillset and cardio problems. He’s similar to a young Vitor Belfort in that if he can’t get you out of the there in round 1, you will most likely beat him. So how does Alonzo remedy this problem? Does he just focus on being the best first round fighter he can be or does he try to turn himself into a more patient, tactical fighter ?

Btw what is Menifelds background? Boxing?

Weight Lifting

He's a good fighter, he just took a *huge* step up. Give him a few more fights (& years) to settle in & he'll be amazing. Good for him trying to capitalize on the fight offer.

He’s tough but I think he’s gonna struggle against taller opponents with good striking and takedown defense.

should hop off the juice and cut to 185

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Fabes - 

He’s tough but I think he’s gonna struggle against taller opponents with good striking and takedown defense.

When does Menifeld go for tajedowns?

Nah he will always fight that way and it will be far to late for him to improve enough to be great. 

ons ear - 
Fabes - 

He’s tough but I think he’s gonna struggle against taller opponents with good striking and takedown defense.

When does Menifeld go for tajedowns?

Well that's my point. If he's getting beat up by guys with longer reach, he needs to mix up his game and at least threaten take downs. I like the guy, but he's got a long way to go to reach the top of the weight >