Always going to be a "Kid" fan

 Bandwagoners will jump off but Kid is still a legend

No one knows what hes been through before his arrival to the UFC.

its been filled with surgeries, robberies and losses. He was done a long time ago and it showed over and over again but it doesnt take away from his accomplishments.

Kid fighting guys bigger then him will always leave him as a legend of the lower divisions. We know how Kid fought and what you saw wasnt the kid of old. Regardless he deserves respect even though people here wont give it to him now that hes old, past prime and not the same as before.

i really thought traning will cunha was going to bring something else out of him.
i think he really wanted it this time. but i don't think i want to see him fight again.

Still a legend?
Never come close of being one

MuriloGago - Still a legend?
Never come close of being one

whats the point of posting this? if you just found out what mma is, ok, but before you try to discredit a top 5 lighterweight of all time, try to do a little research and educate yourself you ignorant pussy

BostonsBoi - 
MuriloGago - Still a legend?
Never come close of being one

whats the point of posting this? if you just found out what mma is, ok, but before you try to discredit a top 5 lighterweight of all time, try to do a little research and educate yourself you ignorant pussy

Beat a lot of japanese guys doesnt make you a legend, guy never won a single round in UFC.

Legend? dont think so. Just a good fighter

kid go train with diaz
punch the body and that fight was over

Kid is definitely a legend.

MuriloGago - 
BostonsBoi - 
MuriloGago - Still a legend?
Never come close of being one

whats the point of posting this? if you just found out what mma is, ok, but before you try to discredit a top 5 lighterweight of all time, try to do a little research and educate yourself you ignorant pussy

Beat a lot of japanese guys doesnt make you a legend, guy never won a single round in UFC.

Legend? dont think so. Just a good fighter

you obviously werent around wehn he was in his prime.

many (including yours truly)thought he was better then faber during the WEC days.

if the ufc could have been around in his prime, you would be singing a much different tune my friend.

KID is a guy whose legacy is based more on "aura" than anything. He's a guy who got a crazy rep for briefly dominating a very thin weight class and then moving up and winning a couple of surprising fights at 155. In the end, though, I don't think of him as one of the all-time greats. At the lighter weights he never had the lasting dominance of Pequeno or Torres, nor does he stack up well against the modern elite of Cruz, Aldo, Faber, and Hioki.

 Injuries and partying are not a good combo when you enter your mid 30's.  Drinking and smoking during training camp doesn't work when you want to compete at the highest level.

Whats him and Gomi fighting in ufc japan say about the current state of japanese mma? I was hopeing there was guys coming in behind them but theres not much there. Both guys looked really bad against mediocare opponents. Gomi especially even though he won.

Actually, I partially rescind my statement. KID never actually "dominated" any weight class at all. He was never #1 at 145 and was only briefly one of the top few guys in the division.

BostonsBoi - 
MuriloGago - Still a legend?
Never come close of being one

whats the point of posting this? if you just found out what mma is, ok, but before you try to discredit a top 5 lighterweight of all time, try to do a little research and educate yourself you ignorant pussy

Not trying to bash here but Kid is NOT even close to a top 5 "lighterweight" of all time.

I completely agree OP.  Kid was a pioneer and even if he ever wins a fight in the UFC, I will always be a fan.

 Kid's legacy will be of one of the most talented fighters in the history of MMA that squandered it for fights big in payday but small on relevance, and once he finally began to face better talent it was too late in his career.

Kid's actually one of the more depressing stories in MMA to me - sucks to see a guy who for so many years was so otherworldly talented that his legacy in this sport seemed all but assured have it slip away through disinterest, half-assed training,  a very tumultuous personal life, etc.

He'll still be remembered for his raw ability, but he'll be remembered best for what could have been, not what was. Sad but true.

Kid trained hard for this fight, he will be back.

The people hanging off KID's balls here should shift their reverence over to Pequeno. He never had KID's profile but he was the real featherweight pioneer. He dominated that division and fought the best it had to offer for years. KID was just a blip on the radar of MMA history, nothing more.

he was a mini-Mike Tyson with world class wrestling. it was a pleasure watching him fight

& yeah pequeno was a nightmare back then