I personally feel like this would be incredible.
Nunes did it all in MMA. Back to back double champion who retired with both titles. The best, can you do any better? I feel like if Nunes could take home a BKFC title and do it in a brutal way she would make one more emphatic statement and increase her legacy just a drop but it would be a statement. That Amanda Nunes wasn’t just the best in MMA. She could smash other women striking with her bare knuckles.
Christine Ferea is a brutal woman. She’s not afraid to open her mouth. She knows she would be undersized but I could ask her myself and Ferea would be open to the challenge. More than open, I bet the Misfit would be ready pack on some weigh and train for the ultimate test which is Amanda Nunes.
Do you give Christine Fera a chance? She’s 5 years older and much more experienced in BKFC or bare knuckle but Nunes has faced what is the best in the world in MMA. Does that cancel out or is BKFC distinct and are new comers not as welcome as they perceive?
Who wins between Amanda Nunes vs Christine Ferea in a bare knuckle brutal war?