Amanda Nunes vs. Felicia Spencer

Up next... I got Nunes 


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I am sexually attracted to Felicia Spencer.

I got Nunes.

I'm not convinced with Spencer but I hope she pulls it out.  

This division shouldn't exist, but it does so I at least hope this fight is entertaining.

malf922 -

I am sexually attracted to Felicia Spencer.

I got Nunes.


Dude you should come up to Canada and go to Quebec with me, it will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

There is something in the water there.  Spencer is a Quebec -1298

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I have money on Spencer. More for fun but she is scrappy. Don't know if she's a mom but she has that mama bear energy. Could be interesting if she gets on top. 

Dashabox -
malf922 -

I am sexually attracted to Felicia Spencer.

I got Nunes.


Dude you should come up to Canada and go to Quebec with me, it will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

There is something in the water there.  Spencer is a Quebec -1298

I know she isn't traditionally hot but there is something about her. 

I am getting vibe that Amanda will be dethroned.

But, knowing my betting history it will probably be a 30 second KO for Nunes.

Spencer via knockout.

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Nunes looks sad. 

malf922 -
Dashabox -
malf922 -

I am sexually attracted to Felicia Spencer.

I got Nunes.


Dude you should come up to Canada and go to Quebec with me, it will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

There is something in the water there.  Spencer is a Quebec -1298

I know she isn't traditionally hot but there is something about her. 

No, I get it.  I totally wood too.

But you really need to go to Quebec at least once in your life.  Bring a neck brace with you 'cause you gonna get whiplash looking at all the amazing trim walking around.

stevekt -

Spencer via knockout.

Brave statement.  Hope you are right.

Dashabox -

I am getting vibe that Amanda will be dethroned.

But, knowing my betting history it will probably be a 30 second KO for Nunes.

Lol! No chance friend. Canadian pride here, but not to the point of betting against Nunes. Never!

Dont let them wear shirts. It feels like a dyke brawl in the back of Les Bows

Dashabox -
malf922 -
Dashabox -
malf922 -

I am sexually attracted to Felicia Spencer.

I got Nunes.


Dude you should come up to Canada and go to Quebec with me, it will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

There is something in the water there.  Spencer is a Quebec -1298

I know she isn't traditionally hot but there is something about her. 

No, I get it.  I totally wood too.

But you really need to go to Quebec at least once in your life.  Bring a neck brace with you 'cause you gonna get whiplash looking at all the amazing trim walking around.

I spent a week in Montreal for UFC 83. Believe me, I know.

1 Like
ShotgunSurgeon - 

Dont let them wear shirts. It feels like a dyke brawl in the back of Les Bows

You’re half right.

malf922 -
Dashabox -
malf922 -
Dashabox -
malf922 -

I am sexually attracted to Felicia Spencer.

I got Nunes.


Dude you should come up to Canada and go to Quebec with me, it will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

There is something in the water there.  Spencer is a Quebec -1298

I know she isn't traditionally hot but there is something about her. 

No, I get it.  I totally wood too.

But you really need to go to Quebec at least once in your life.  Bring a neck brace with you 'cause you gonna get whiplash looking at all the amazing trim walking around.

I spent a week in Montreal for UFC 83. Believe me, I know.

Nice, hope you enjoyed your time there.  I love it there.

sgotwalks -
Dashabox -

I am getting vibe that Amanda will be dethroned.

But, knowing my betting history it will probably be a 30 second KO for Nunes.

Lol! No chance friend. Canadian pride here, but not to the point of betting against Nunes. Never!

Yeah you are probably right. That first right wasn't so good..

These women can't seem to defend a 1-2.

They both look fat and bloated