Amateur rules - Changes brewing

except the original poster is wrong about one thing, LEG KICKS ARE 100% LEGAL UNDER USKBA RULES.....

You are correct that I was incorrect. LOL The confusion is how the rule has been adapted in New Jersy which is what Georgia is trying to you leg kick in NJ or not?

In New Jersey, you can definitely kick the legs, as you can in the same set of rules the Mohean Sun adopted (ie the USKBA rules). I have no idea why anyone would think you can not kick the legs in USKBA amateur rules

pic of leg kick from USKBA amateur show in NJ

YOu can also kick and knee (and punch) the body on the ground, so it isn't like submission is the only way to win

IMO, any major rule changes are going to force a lot of amateurs to go pro way before their time.

^ i agree. I think that competing under those rules wouldn't prepare you for pro mma if you decided to do so.

this is great for the sport.isay no elbows to the head for sure.50/50 on the knees to the head.shooto/combat sports training gloves.the grappling shinpads too so headkicks will be ok.50/50 on the strikes to the head.i guess take it out to be far as sub i think heelhooks and spinelocks should also be debated.3x3 or 4x3 for the rounds.

maybe I wont get so many concussions and I can start beating people up again.

what are the amatuer shows in new jersey?

What do you mean what...?

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As an amatuer fighter in Ga i will say this if these rule changes happen then i will defiantly turn pro. Because this will be nothign more than a hard sparring match. I can get beat up at my gym with shinguards and big gloves. This would be the dumbest thing GA athletic commision has done if they decide to change the rules. We have plenty of good refs here who take care of us fighters, we dont need any damn protective equipment besides a mouthpiece and a cup.

That's another good point Silhouette...the refs and promoters in GA are really good about keeping the fighters safe. The promoters try not to mismatch and the refs are great at stopping fights when a fighter is in danger.

turn pro silhoutte

Who is providing the commission with testimony that we need changes?

I think it's stupid to have people fighting amateur with virtually the same rules as a pro fight for no money. Just because you take away the elbows doesn't really change the context of the match. You are basically just fighting a shorter round, USA Pride rules fight.

Some type of difference needs to occur other than just eliminating elbows.

I think additional rules only serve to greater differentiate amateur from pro fighters and as a result could cause more injuries when amateurs decide to turn pro. I think shorter rounds and no elbows provide amateurs with a stepping stone of experience with fighting without coddling them. I mean lets face it, its a combat sport.

I also dont believe that it will cause an increase in fighters pay, actually quite the contrary. I think many promoters use amateur fights to "fill out" their card because in some cases, they can not be differentiated from pro fights and are just as entertaining to the fans. With less amateur fights on a card and without an increase in ticket prices, there will be less to pay the pro fighters.

Oh yeah and I hate the no kicks to the head while standing, that's silly.

My proposal:

3 min rounds, no knees to the head, no elbows, larger gloves but something smaller than what they are using now (don't know the weights sorry), all subs are legal, shin guards

My one gripe with the NJ Am rules is you can't wear a rashguard/shirt.

Nobody needs to see superheavyweights like myself out there with our moobs flapping in the wind.

"turn pro silhoutte"
Thats been the plan just moving up plans now

"Some type of difference needs to occur other than just eliminating elbows."
Pyscho are you a fighter?? Because it's people like you who are goin to fuck it up for real fighters. If we didnt want to fight for nothign we wouldnt why do we do it? Because i love to fight.

So please keep your notions of protecting us from a fight to your damn self

Standing 8 or 10 second count after a knockdown doesn't make sense for MMA; that's a boxing rule. No slams is too vague-are we talking Matt Hughes style running across the ring slamming, suplex style slams, or are fighters gonna receive penalties for a simple lift and dump from a double leg if they happen to stand up to finish it off? No strikes to head of a downed opponent-there really isn't a legitimate safety issue supporting this rule. The counter to it becoming a serious issue is having quality refs.

"Standing 8 or 10 second count after a knockdown doesn't make sense for MMA; that's a boxing rule."

Wait, there's a standing 8 count? I missed that. I agree, that's very silly. A guy could get a little overwhelmed by strikes and just throw himself onto the ground to get an 8 second break.