American Wrestler Stud calls out British Thug!!!

"Obviously, it benefits me to pick him up and slam him on his nugget, throw some elbows up side his head, but I don't have anything to prove. I don't have to prove that I'm a better striker. I just have to prove that I'm a better MMA fighter than he is, and I believe I am and I believe I get the victory... Yea, he can take a hard punch, but I think he's going to have one hell of a time trying to keep me from picking him up and slamming him."

T WOOD is gonna whuup that british suckerpunching ass.

Tyrone is a model citizen and exemplifies the values of the midwestern hardworking culture. expect to see the College wrestling stud smash the Trashy, Thuggish Street-fighting/kickboxing styled Paul "suckerpunch" Daley through the floor of the octagon.

Daley by KO

Does that translate to "I can't finish this guy, but I will take him down and win a decision?"

Woodley is going to rape Daley's soul. Phone Post

RickMartelsArrogance - It's Tyron, not Tyrone.

If you're going to do this wrestling troll schtick, at least spell the wrestlers names correctly for fucks sake.


mendelson - Woodley is going to rape Daley's soul.

glupe...calm down now friend. It was just a joke at the typical wrestlers decision to take down Daley and not be able to finish him ala Kos. Woodley actually has pretty decent subs from what I've seen. He had a nice brabo a while back.

 i'll wrestle later, thanks.


Guys can spend a lifetime working on their striking but some Midwestern farmboy with ears like glazed donuts will always beat them. Phone Post

Magnum TA - Guys can spend a lifetime working on their striking but some Midwestern farmboy with ears like glazed donuts will always beat them.

no one can stop wrestling.

the only thing that can stop a wrestler is a stronger wrestler.


McLeod - Does that translate to "I can't finish this guy, but I will take him down and win a decision?"

FAIL you should get refresh as a 11 for that comment. haha

...Hmmm...took him down and won a decision.

I dislike Daley as a fighter but he actually tried to win the fight where as Woodley landed a couple takedowns and did nothing. Woodley was getting booed by the crowd and that kind of shocked me since so many people were giving Daley shut at the start. Phone Post

MickColins -  I dislike Daley as a fighter but he actually tried to win the fight where as Woodley landed a couple takedowns and did nothing. Woodley was getting booed by the crowd and that kind of shocked me since so many people were giving Daley shut at the start. Phone Post
Woodley outstruck Daley. If you guys weren't so stupid you would realize this and that Daley was the one getting booed. What did he do in that fight? 20 strikes, one stupid omoplata attempt, and backpedal and do next to nothing the whole fight. THAT was fucking boring. I hope he gets cut.


I kinda agree that Daley wasnt active either... but that makes it even worse... Woodley fought an INACTIVE striker and STILL fought for a decision.

Woodley DOMINATED The fight in every aspect for 13 minutes, If Daley didn't want to be taken down and held down he should learn to do more than just a sprawl.

RickMartelsArrogance - It's Tyron, not Tyrone.

If you're going to do this wrestling troll schtick, at least spell the wrestlers names correctly for fucks sake.

 "Woodley outstruck Daley. If you guys weren't so stupid you would realize this and that Daley was the one getting booed. "

I was in the crowd. Woodley was getting booed. Daley was at the start but Woodley's lay and pray shifted the crowd.