America's First Mixed Martial Artist...

Juijitsuboxer - I met a lot of these guys at the first "The Gathering of Eagles" in Las Vegas.

I spent years practicing Karazenpo Go Shinjitsu under an 8th degree.

And so do you feel the same as Mr.Steve W.?


I'd love to hear more about what moves were dropped from the Kenpo cirriculum by Ed Parker.

Hawaiian martial arts history is fascinating.

When Ed Parker first came over to the mainland his style had a lot of jujitsu in it. The Tracy brothers were among his first black belts and you can see this in what they teach.

As Parker developed American kenpo he gradually removed most of the standup grappling techniques.

So lots of wristlocks, throws, disarms, etc.? Kind of like Hapkido compared to TKD?

WasaB----"....I think guys like Fedor would take issue that MMA always have, is and will be about boxing, wrestling and JJ."---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why would Fedor take issue ? Sambo is HUGELY Judo influenced, which is a direct dirivitive if Jiu Jitsu....and he uses boxing VERY much in his fights and even wrestling as well. Not sure what your point is here, but it's obvious you're just another rabid Gracie hater.

Too bad. Fedor is an awsome fighter and the Gracies have given us sooooooo much. Sambo is a great art as is Gracie Jiu Jitsu.


Lord Kancho - So lots of wristlocks, throws, disarms, etc.? Kind of like Hapkido compared to TKD?

I shouldn't say "lots" especially when compared to hapkido, but they are definitely sprinkled in. Mostly joint breaks and simple throws.


Hawai'i has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to MMA

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