Ancona's Gym re-opening soon!

TTT. I might be havin to use your gym soon.

No problem JC, but bring the babes with you LOL.You said you were living down the street, what street is that ?

glad your O. K. Joe. how bad of a loss was it? Did you lose the ring downstairs?

Good luck with everything. Stay strong and everything will work out.

no loveless I did have that ring stored, the gym had the sign blown down above and tore the roof open, and the apartment under construction upstairs had the roof blown off also, but you should see the mess around us, fortunately we have this 4 story solid concrete storage building to the north of us that really protected us from the high winds.lots of mold everywhere though!!

We will probably reopen in January, I do need some help though and some new coaches, I will rebuild it even better this time with all my construction crews. e-mail me at or call 504-606-4044.

good stuff foolio



Good to hear that all will be fine Joe! I am in Colorado now, as the MMA and Muay Thai instructor for LA Boxing, so keep in touch!!

Jeff Strickland
MMA & Muay Thai Instructor

Good news.


a lot of the new orleans area has not returned yet, especially the city limits itself, and the students from the universities, i think it will be the fall semester before most people return, after this next hurricane season, which starts this june, oh shit!!!!!!!