And before you even say it.. (Spoiler) you mother fuckers, Fujita was not robbed. He has an ewok growing out of his face from all of the shots he took.

no ones going to say it.

 Fujita was robbed. He took Ivanov's best shots and moved forward like it was nothing lighting him up with dirty boxing. He got multiple takedowns and controlled, even coming close with an arm triangle.

Robbed blind. Ivanov looked like shit in that fight. Fedor would kill him.

 Fujita won R2 & R3

Taking somebody's best shots isn't a good thing... it means you're getting punched hard in the face a lot. That doesn't exactly score points. Damage > control, and it didn't look like Ivanov was in serious danger of being submitted to me.

Fujita didn't win shit.

Fujita's face after the fight.

 Ivanov had to spaz out of the arm triangle, and I believe it was rocky that said "its not about how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"

Fujita pressed the action and wore Ivanov the fuck out. He was gasping by the end of the first. Fujita didn't even sit on the stool.

Nickman9000 -  Ivanov had to spaz out of the arm triangle, and I believe it was rocky that said "its not about how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"

Fujita pressed the action and wore Ivanov the fuck out. He was gasping by the end of the first. Fujita didn't even sit on the stool.

Wait, so you think that getting hit by a hard punch scores more than hitting somebody with a hard punch because you misunderstood a Rocky quote? The quote doesn't mean that getting hit hard and still moving forward wins you decisions over the guy hitting you hard, it means that it shows your heart as a fighter.

 Look at his face rule is not in effect. Watch the fight again. Nice pics of your mom.

The superficial damage counts for nothing in scoring. The hard punches that caused that superficial damage count for a lot, though.

he was robbed, mofo!

Blagoi was connecting his straight and looping punches all night long and even rocked Fujita several was a fair decision