Anderson lost me as a fan...

 He should fight Rampage, that will humble Silva. Me too, no longer a fan, I want to see him lose now.

I'm a Sonnen fan - get the fuck out of here with your shit claim monkey -

MMA Monkey speaks the truth.

you won't see him get smashed. he is the smasher. you will see clown or down.

His HYPOCRISY of taunting his opponent for not engaging...was just absurd.

He did not look like a CHAMPION, period.

this is 2 or 3 times now he has done this, maybe a mental breakdown thing

LColson -  I despise Anderson Silva and his mockery of MMA and his opponents.  If he's so great, then just finish the showboating...just finish the fucking fight.  I read that Dana might make him the first champ to fight on the prelims...that sounds fair to me because I have no intentions of ever paying to watch that fucker fight again.

I watched the event from a bar and I have never heard so many people upset during any sporting event. I don't know what the line is, but he crossed it and it will cost him money.

Steps to solve this problem:

1)  Shelf Silva and keep him on the benches until his contract is up.


2)  Create an interim belt during that period

3) Fire him at the end of his contract

4) Silva goes begging to Strikeforce.  Scott Coker tells him to go fuck himself.

5)  Silva ends up in K-1, pulls his clown antics and gets his skull caved in by a right high kick.

6)  Anderson spends his remaining years in a wheel chair with a breathing tube drooling like an idiot.

He used to be one of my favorite fighters, but he lost me on that fight. I guess he could still win me back, but the guy is an idiot.

ping, pong, ping, him, hate him, love him, hate him, knock out, 5 round drag out, knock out, 5 round drag out - the dude doesn't care what the fans want. never has. he has never been shy about admitting that. he is there to challenge himself. Maia was no challenge, so I think he had some fun. Forget the business side - unless you personally got your wallet knocked by this. Forget how it impacts MMA as a sport to have the man being hailed as "A Real Life Bruce Lee" moments earlier, and "This is like a scene from a movie!" - i can't pretend to know what happened at the end, but he didn't gas. i don't buy that he was tired. I think he really just got intensely bored. A straight up massacre may have been in order, but I think we could all read between the lines here. The guy won't feed bloodlust.

I used to love him now I just want to see someone drop him.

no doubt that was an embaressment to the sport