Anderson lost me as a fan...

 He taunted Maia to engage then ran away ?

He would not enagage in a ground fight at all, thats understandable of course...

But to run in a stand up fight after promising a great performance?

I was not a Chael Sonnon fan before  but like many of you i bet I want to see Anderson get smashed!

Just had  6 crappy weeks of poker , was lookin forward to the UFC .... what a let down!

Vitor, Chael, someone come and push Silva hard and break him or bring out the best in him.!

Same here, and all 10 people watching with me

 I despise Anderson Silva and his mockery of MMA and his opponents.  If he's so great, then just finish the showboating...just finish the fucking fight.  I read that Dana might make him the first champ to fight on the prelims...that sounds fair to me because I have no intentions of ever paying to watch that fucker fight again.

Dana shouldn't let him fight anyone good until he can prove that he's willing to fight seriously. Prelims sound like a good start.

LColson -  I despise Anderson Silva and his mockery of MMA and his opponents.  If he's so great, then just finish the showboating...just finish the fucking fight.  I read that Dana might make him the first champ to fight on the prelims...that sounds fair to me because I have no intentions of ever paying to watch that fucker fight again.

this post should be a sticky

 there are few fighters that i truly dislike, anderson is now one of them. i think his true colors come out in the fight, he's an arrogant ass. perhaps the most talented fighter in the world, but an ass all the same.

I will never pay to see that bullshit ever again!!

DoctorVanNostran - 
LColson -  I despise Anderson Silva and his mockery of MMA and his opponents.  If he's so great, then just finish the showboating...just finish the fucking fight.  I read that Dana might make him the first champ to fight on the prelims...that sounds fair to me because I have no intentions of ever paying to watch that fucker fight again.

this post should be a sticky


I too am lost as a fan.

His skills are undeniable. His class and heart are no longer.....

Fuck that dude for the way he toyed with Maia. He should ve finished him if he was so great.

LColson -  I despise Anderson Silva and his mockery of MMA and his opponents.  If he's so great, then just finish the showboating...just finish the fucking fight.  I read that Dana might make him the first champ to fight on the prelims...that sounds fair to me because I have no intentions of ever paying to watch that fucker fight again.

every word of this...


Dude was my favorite fighter and now I just think he is an arrogant prick.

donkypunch55 - 
LColson -  I despise Anderson Silva and his mockery of MMA and his opponents.  If he's so great, then just finish the showboating...just finish the fucking fight.  I read that Dana might make him the first champ to fight on the prelims...that sounds fair to me because I have no intentions of ever paying to watch that fucker fight again.

every word of this...


Silva was ridiculous, that was the most bizarre behaviour inside the octagon that I can remember. What the heck was he thinking?

brahmabull81 - WTF he needs to go to rehab with Filho....

 haha that was funny:}

Monsters Ball - The problem is that if Dana puts Anderson on the under card he is also putting his UFC MW title on the under card. It's like disrespecting a UFC title.

yeah, there's more than that though. you'd also be putting a contender on the undercard, and paying them both a fortune for a fight that nobody is going to see

Monsters Ball - The problem is that if Dana puts Anderson on the under card he is also putting his UFC MW title on the under card. It's like disrespecting a UFC title.

the problem with Dana headlining Anderson is Anderson makes a mockery of the sport,its like disrespecting a ufc title


Every single one of you will be back (as a fan) once Anderson brutalizes Chael Sonnen. Mark my words. Every. Single. One. Of. You.

He's a dick -

I don't care if he knocks out Fedor with one of the most ridiculous kicks the mma world has ever seen.....I'll still think he's an arrogant ass and will cheer for him to lose -

No you won't