Andre Winner got lucky

 Honestly, I couldn't care less who won that fight.  Not a big fan of Dollar either.  But Winner grabbed the fence and ended up on top to transition into that triangle.  Ref should have stood them up.  Wasn't really fair.

Shitty break for Cameron. He worked hard for that takedown.

Ha....Dollar got schooled!

Mounted & triangled...schoolboy stuff.

There was ZERO chance Dollar was gonna win that fight.

Andre was lucky....lucky that he didn't make it outa first gear and KILL him!

Apart from having great standup Andre also has wins in a number of no-gi competitions...he put on that triangle like he was fighting a pub drunk.

koreviewz -  Honestly, I couldn't care less who won that fight.  Not a big fan of Dollar either.  But Winner grabbed the fence and ended up on top to transition into that triangle.  Ref should have stood them up.  Wasn't really fair.

God you know nothing.

Andres hand brushed past the cage as he was trying to keep his balance. Hardly grabbing the cage. Wow you really are searching for any excuse, aren't you?

Better fighter won.

NorthFromHere - Better fighter won.

I agree. I think he'll end up winning the finale as well.

Fuckin gringos!

pitbull had a better chin and hands

Heartbroken Lee - 
RC Gogo - How do you even know that the OP is American? Calm down, idiots. You're taking the whole USA vs. Britain format way too seriously.

I could tell he was American from the things he wrote and upon further investigation it turns out I was right.
Still upset about that whole revolutionary war thing huh?

I couldnt care less who won the fights,none of these guys are extremely impressive except for Andre.Demarques and Andre will be your 2 winners and it will be an all UK final in 155 and an all US final in 170.It hardly sounds like a raping.Unless your talking about the guy who wouldnt even answer the bell because his throat was dry.Was that a US guy? Or was it one of those tough brits?BTW what does Arsed mean?

i thought it was pretty clear that Andre's fence grabbing led to him landing on his side, which allowed him to get mount so easily.

That said, fence grab or not, he would have won.

akebh - I couldnt care less who won the fights,none of these guys are extremely impressive except for Andre.Demarques and Andre will be your 2 winners and it will be an all UK final in 155 and an all US final in 170.It hardly sounds like a raping.Unless your talking about the guy who wouldnt even answer the bell because his throat was dry.Was that a US guy? Or was it one of those tough brits?BTW what does Arsed mean?

you use it like " i cannot be arsed to go to work today its sunny out"

soldave - 
akebh - I couldnt care less who won the fights,none of these guys are extremely impressive except for Andre.Demarques and Andre will be your 2 winners and it will be an all UK final in 155 and an all US final in 170.It hardly sounds like a raping.Unless your talking about the guy who wouldnt even answer the bell because his throat was dry.Was that a US guy? Or was it one of those tough brits?BTW what does Arsed mean?

you use it like " i cannot be arsed to go to work today its sunny out"
gotit.kinda like i couldnt be bothered.Thanks

Heartbroken Lee - Lucky my ass. Dollar was out of his depth on the feet and on the ground. He got owned. Guess what? Turns out there are some talented British fighters after all. Don't be typical arrogant American douche's and give the guy the respect he deserves.

Dont be so proud of the mediocre Br9its that were set up to win this show. Most British fighters pretty much suck when it comes to basically anything besides boxing.

 I think forum member Levo tought him that triangle :)

best of luck to Andre and Ross

Nice fucking guys that are both a credit to the sport

 He swept Dollar for the triangle.

That's what I saw too.  
I thought Winner owned that fight from start to finish as well.  Did not pay much attention to him until last night, but I will be watching from now on that is for sure.  

Good fights last night by both Brits.

brownchickenbrowncow - 
Heartbroken Lee - Lucky my ass. Dollar was out of his depth on the feet and on the ground. He got owned. Guess what? Turns out there are some talented British fighters after all. Don't be typical arrogant American douche's and give the guy the respect he deserves.

Dont be so proud of the mediocre Br9its that were set up to win this show. Most British fighters pretty much suck when it comes to basically anything besides boxing.
Full of shit

We have world class thai, boxing and even bjj in the UK

The only thing we really lack is wrestling availability but its getting better.

And im sure you have sucha vast knowledge of UK mma seeing as you have never trained or been there....



I'm just glad he didn't try to blame the loss on his sore ribs.... and that they showed at the end him state he didn't even feel them out there. I thought for sure that was the angle they were going for.

For the second show in a row they elude to the possibility that Lewis was sharing secrets about fighters. I'm surprised there is not more uproar over that then a brief (possibly nonexistent) fence grab.

Awful, awful thread.

Dollar was lucky to be in the semi-finals anyway - he got away with a hit to the back of the head which sent Stapes a bit wobbly and capitalised, Serra style.