Andrea “KGB” Lee on MMA Roasted

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did they ever catch her nazi boyfriend


Not sure about Donny boy,
but here are the obligatory pics:




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someone get one of those canes to jerk her off the stage by her neck then another one to jerk a latina up there jajaja…

I like her. I remember watching her on AXS a couple times.

She’s skilled and scrappy, especially for a chick.

I hope she gets a shot at Shev just for the payday but Valentina won’t be stopped.

It is MMA though so anything can happen and she’ll definitely be a value bet.


I was actually kind of hyped to hear Nate in this interview. That’s the guy who spazzes out and screams when he fights and gives great interviews right? A bit obnoxious, but also a pretty funny and entertaining guy. Seems like just he just has a sincere over the top type personality, not a bs act for attention/hype. Unfortunately, must not be computer savvy because he couldn’t get himself off mute in this interview.

She is cute.

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Yeah, I’m an admitted WMMA hater but she handled Cynthia Cavillo like she was nothing last week. She definitely has some of the better standup in that division.

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Yes in 2019.

The weird part is that she had to have known. It’s not like it was really hidden. A person could say that they had left that life/grown out of it but he still had the ink. I’d about bet that there’s a huge number of tattoo artists that would have covered it up for cheap if he wanted a design over it or possibly free if he wanted a black box over the bigger than shit SS runes.


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had a huge swastika on his shoulder too if i recall correctly

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That nickname is fûcking retarded. I hate this cunt